Monday, May 11, 2015

Taking a Nap: Common Activity, yet Surely Beneficial

In this modern era, it seems that people are forced to be busier each day. When we still have many works to do, it is so possible for us to stay awake the whole night in order to finish that although we feel so sleepy. If we keep doing this regularly, it means that we decrease the quantity of our night sleep which is so essential for our physical and psychological health. A short nap of 20-40 minutes can be the solution towards this issue. Napping can recover our health and give our best performance for the rest of the day. Unfortunately, most of our society believe that a nap is just a bad habit that can lead us to be lazy, lack of ambition, etc. those kinds of stigmas of napping are actually misplaced. In fact, a nap can be one of the most effective media for self-improvement; it can restore our alertness, gives us pleasant luxury and improves our health.
                        First, a proper nap helps us to restore our alertness. When we do something that really drains either our physical or psychological energy, we are likely to feel tired ad sleepy. We will not give our best performance at this rate. Taking a nap is the best solution to overcome this. For instance, we spend the whole day to work on our papers. It requires us to think hard in order to finish it. It is not finished yet, but we already feel tired and sleepy. We realize that the progress of our papers will go nowhere if we keep on doing it. The best decision that we should make is taking a nap. 20-25 minutes of napping will make us alert and able to continue doing our papers in our best performance with full energy. Thus, we will produce good papers at the end. NASA had conducted a study on sleepy military pilots and astronauts that showed the result of 40 minute nap improves performance by 34% and alertness by 100%. Yet, another study showed that 25 minute nap of pilots made less errors during take-offs and landings.
                        Second, taking a nap gives us a pleasant luxury, a mini-vacation. For instance, we are on an under pressure condition that trigger us to feel stress. In this rate, the production of serotonin, substance that controls our mood, is used massively and even the production is blocked. It makes us become anxious, depressed, sensitive and overwhelmed. We had better go for a nap if we want to recover from this condition. Napping has a psychological benefit that can provide us to get some relaxation and rejuvenation. How come? Actually, when we are taking a nap, according to Mednick, our brain is filled with serotonin that can make us feel so relax and be more positive. That is why when we are up, we tend to feel relax and happy; it feels like we just came from a vacation. That surely can overcome the stress issue that we have earlier and alter it into a positive view.
                        Third, napping improves our health. We probably do not fully realize that napping can make us healthier than before, yet it is already proven in a study. A study conducted with Greeks showed that ones who took a nap of 30 minutes at least three times a week had 37% less risk of heart problem issue. Among the working men, 64% of probability of their death is reduced. One example is when we feel unwell on the afternoon because of the bad weather and we still have many works to do on that day. After we take a nap for 20-25 minutes, we will feel much better than before although we do not consume any medicine. At the end, we can continue our works with fit body. Actually, when we take a nap, we release some hormones which boost our immune system, reduce stress and aid our body. Thus, it makes sense to be fit again after napping because it gives our brain opportunity to rest for a few moments and our body to heal.
                        All in all, taking a nap certainly gives us benefits, some of which are; it helps us to restore our alertness, gives pleasant luxury and improves our health. Even though there are some stigmas of napping, there are also some proofs that break the stigmas and strengthen its positive effect. Thus, include napping to your daily routine in order to be able to give your best on your every day.

                                                                                                                         MID-TERM PROJECT

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