Monday, May 11, 2015


            It is irrefutable that education is of crucial significance to the progress of people and societies. It has been well said that ‘Education is a companion which, no future can depress, no crime can destroy, no enemy can alienate and no nepotism can enslave.’ In the following paragraphs I shall discuss how education can benefit individuals and societies.
First of all education should impart professional knowledge. Such knowledge enables individuals to earn a livelihood. In this way they are benefited themselves and also they can look after their families better. This leads to better societies because an educated society is a crime free society. This point was very mush emphasized by Dewey in his book, "The School and Society" (1899) wherein he said that while proposing to bring about a change in education the social point of new should always be kept in mind, otherwise it will be considered merely an arbitrary fad. "Education for the society" emerged as the focus of educational thought. People are self-sufficient and so do not need to go on the path of crime.
Physical education should also be provided by a well-rounded education. More recently, SHAPE America has re-envisioned the essential components that provide the structure for a physical education program (p. 4). The purpose of this document is not only to delineate those essential components, but also to identify physical education as a key element of a well-rounded education for all students. According to SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical Educator (2015), Physical education includes four essential components that provide the structure for this fundamental subject area, such as policy and environment curriculum, appropriate instruction, and student assessment. It is a well-known fact that healthy individuals would make a healthy society. Good health is a basic human need and for the holistic development of individuals, physical education should be incorporated in school curricula.

Education should also teach moral values. According to Warren A. Nord and Charles C. Haynes in their book, Taking Religion Seriously Across the Curriculum (August, 1998) that one purpose of moral education is to help make children virtuous—honest, responsible, and compassionate. This makes us adaptive to society. There is less violence and less crime in society is there if people are educated. They become more open minded and live in harmony with each other. Moral science should be a compulsory subject until high school level.

Finally, today environmental education is the need of the hour. All schools should have mandatory lessons on saving the environment. According to Goa Wildwatch (January, 2011), projects based on the environment, seminars and workshops and more importantly field trips and class room practical sessions were the backbone of this ‘movement’ that had helped create a resource pool of green teachers and environmentally conscious students too. Small steps can go a long way in saving energy. Energy saved is energy generated. We all have to do away with some luxuries if we want a better tomorrow.
In conclusion that education should have professional, physical, moral and environmental education. After all, ‘Education is not the filling up of a pail but the lighting up a fire.’ A well-rounded education consisting of all the above components would benefit both the individual and society.
© 2015, SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical Educators•

1998, Taking Religion Seriously Across the Curriculum, (Moral Education.4)

Alif Rachman Hidayah
Persuasive Writing: Academic

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