Monday, May 11, 2015

Essay Writing, Easy to Create and Useful

            Writing is one of four macro skills. Writing becomes more famous when teacher and some institutions use writing skill as an indicator of selection to measure ability. By holding writing test, institutions deserve to get competence participants who will deal with the test, with different purpose for each selection. An expert psychological research found, that people get easily depress and nervous when they have to face the writing test. People may think that writing test is difficult. The difficult can be finding of using diction, grammatical error, placing main idea and/or any activity which related to writing skill. Truthfully, there are at least 7 kinds of writing test: short answer test, long answer test, multiple choice and matching test, true/false test, essay writing test, and objective test. The common writing test that we usually find is essay writing. But, please do not underestimate first, because actually essay writing is easy when we understand well of how to make good essay writing test. Here are some steps and also tips how to make a easy and good essay writing.
            Firstly, it is better to make mind-map before starting to write an essay. Because by using mind-map concept, it is easy to decide what the writer want to explain in essay writing. It can be stating from decide the theme and the topic; then comes to the main idea of each paragraph; after that finding the supporting idea by giving an example, an expert opinion or a fact; correcting grammatical errors; after then using appropriate dictions; and the last is making a conclusion and/ also suggestion. Another pre-eminence of using mind-mapping is helping the writer to write systematically. Most of people who are feeling confused to write an essay cause by write a jumping part. Jumping part can produce random essay. The one and only result of it is by writing systematically because it can help the writer use the brain to write under-control and avoid the lack of coherence between sentence and lack of cohesive between paragraphs.
            Secondly, others important steps to make a good essay writing is by giving an evidence for every supporting ideas written on the essay. It is important to give an evidence for each supporting idea because it can help the writer to persuade the reader to believe that what the essay state is true. The writer can give the evidence by take an example from others’ journal article, support by an expert trustworthy opinion, or by showing the fact which is happen in society. For instance, gay couple should not allowed to marry because based on the Bible book says Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. This example argument indicate that the idea about gay couple which should not allowed to marry is strong because it is support by trustworthy book which is bible. So that, it can persuade the reader if the argument is true because it support by an evidence,
            Thirdly, the writer should check the right grammar and use appropriate diction. In some cases shows the writer commonly use not conformable diction. Use conformable diction is one of important steps because it can help the writer to know the reader about the written style. Take for an example the writer want to write an essay about taxonomy, it is better to use words “to classify” to shows how to differ between one and others animals. It surely unsuitable if the writer use “to align” in the taxonomy context because use “to align” is suitable if the writer write an essay about politics or war. Other example is mistake of using grammar. Not only about how to use conformable diction, but also the written context take effect on how to use conformable grammar. If the writer want to shows past events or indirect speech it is more suitable to use past tense, but if the writer want to show the event which is fact or direct speech it should use present tense.
            In summary, writing an essay writing test is not something difficult to do. People as long as understand well of how to make good essay writing test. People should not underestimate first because by doing some steps above, like: make mind-map before starting to write an essay; make a good essay writing is by giving an evidence for every supporting ideas written on the essay;  and check the right grammar and use appropriate diction.  The writer can help him/herself to make an essay writing test easier.

Azalia Illahi Hidayat Putri
Midterm test

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