Monday, May 11, 2015

How does the Campus Organization Activity Bring the Good Students’ Achievement in the Class

Susanti (2013) says that campus organizations are the proper media to express students’ expression toward their potential development. Silvia Sukirman (2004) says that campus organizations are the additional activities that the students do to complete their study which aimed to develops their soft skill. It can develop students’ soft skill which is important in job field, later. Those students who are active in the campus organization become more critical, confident, and sociable which makes them have more chance to improve their achievement in the class.
If a student joins a campus organization, he/she will be more critical in term of thinking and taking action. The members of campus organizations are trained to be critical by participating in solving problem. Sukirman (2004:70) says that one of the benefits joining the campus organizations is being a critical thinker. They can solve the problems by discussing, finding solution, and planning the action to make it happens. To solve the problems, the first step is they have to discuss the problem. They have to interpret the causes of the problem. After they can find the causes of the problems by discussing it, the second step is finding the solution. Then, they must have a plan to make the solution a real act. Take, for example, those members are facing traffic jam problem. They have to know that the cause of that problem is the high number of vehicles usage. Then, they find the solution to fix it by decreasing the usage of vehicle. Well, the action can be started by their individual action which is not depending too much on the vehicles usage.
Then, if a student joins a campus organization, he/she will be more confident in term of leading a group. Sukirman (2004:70) says that campus organization can build the students manner in term of independence, confidence, discipline, and responsible. The members of campus organizations are trained to be more confident by becoming a chief of the organization, expressing their opinion during the team discussion, and organizing an event. Becoming a chief of an organization is not easy. It means that they have to be a leader in making decision and developing the potency of the organization. Without the confidence, the leader cannot make a good decision. It makes the organization become work bad. Then, they can get the confidence by expressing their idea in the discussion room. Finally, when he/she holds an event for the organization, the event will go right.
The last advantage if a student joins a campus organization, he/she will be more sociable in the class. Stephen P. Robbins in “Organizational Behaviour” states that organization is the entity of society which works based on the relative borders which can be identified continuously to reach the purpose of a group people. Organization is a place to gather with other people. Therefore, the members of campus organization become more sociable in the class because they are trained to interact with other people from different background knowledge and culture. They usually interact with other campus organization members from other university around the world in order to build connection.
In conclusion, the campus organization activities have three advantages in term of build critical thinker, confident person, and sociable person. Those advantages can help them gets the best achievement in the class. The students better to join the campus organizations in order to get the best achievement in the class.


 Aprilia Eva Winanta/130222614326
Academic Persuasive Task 2

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