Monday, May 11, 2015

Does Indonesia Need Sex Education?

In Indonesia sex is considered as taboo that cannot be discussed in public room, especially with teenagers. Because of the custom, mostly teenagers in Indonesia do not have the right room to discuss about that knowledge. Sex Education might be a good solution. IPPF, the International Planned Parenthood Federation, said that a rights-based approach to Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) seeks to equip young people with the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values they need to determine and enjoy their sexuality – physically and emotionally, individually and in relationships. But, it also brings negative impacts. Sex Education have both negative and positive effects which influences the teenagers physically, mentally, and culturally toward the sex.
The first positive effect of having Sex Education in Indonesia is the teenagers understand about their physical growths. One of the physical growths of the teenagers is puberty. Christian Nordqvist (2009) says that puberty is the period in children's lives when they experience physical changes by which their bodies eventually become adult bodies that are capable of reproducing. When a teenager experiences the puberty period, they need a guidance to take care of their physical growth. Here, Sex Education becomes a guidance that teaches them how to take the treatment for this period. Christian Nordqvist (2009) mentions the girl’s puberty is signed by menstruation begins is the start of her monthly menstrual cycle. When the periods is starting it means that she can pregnant. Sex Education will teach her the knowledge about the reproduction so that she can prevent pregnancy before marriage.
The second positive effect of having Sex Education in Indonesia is Indonesia teenagers will be more open minded in term of mentally to judge the value of sex is not a taboo thing because sex is natural and normal. Sue Alford (2001) says that Sex Education shows that sexuality is a natural, normal, healthy part of life. Therefore, Indonesia teenagers should not be guilty or ashamed to learn this kind of knowledge because it is beneficial to determine their sexually needs in daily life. It can control the emotion of teenagers doing something fool like free sex and baby’s dumping which is bad for their mentally growth because those experiences are tarumatic.
Then, the last positive effect is Sex Education will be openly discussed in Indonesia. Indeed, it breaks the custom of Indonesia culture about the sex which believes that it is taboo.  But, the negative point of view of the sex will change from the clear discussion of the sex. Sex Education teaches that sex without love only gives pain for the teenager couple, so that the couple cannot live happily. Clarisse Thorn (2011) says that good sex does not just require two (or more) people who like sex. It requires desires- and desires simply does not work the same way for everyone. It also gives them the comprehension that pregnancy outside marriage can harm their social life. For example, they can be alienated and bullied because it is not appropriate having baby or at least pregnant during the teenagers’ age without a marriage status. It is closely relate to the culture of Indonesia which is not permit an unmarried couple having sex.
On the other hand, Sex Education brings some negative effects for Indonesia teenagers who do not really understand about this sensitive issue. The Indonesia teenagers have been blanked for this kind of information for a long time because the parents and teachers think that teenagers and kids will know it by their selves. They do not realize that actually the teenagers need more guidance about it. So, once the teenagers and kids know the about sex, it will increase their curiosity and practice it. Noorfaharen Hanafi (2010) says that it will involve free sex among the teenagers. Even though Sex Education gives them the knowledge of modern contraception, there is no guarantee for those that unintended pregnancy and sexual diseases never happen.
Noorfaharen Hanafi (2010) says that the knowledge of sex is offensive due to culture of Indonesia culture that sex is forbidden to do before the marriage (who says). It will make the younger generation break the line because they have the knowledge and know how to do it in good way without pregnant. But, still it will kill Indonesia culture.
In a sub words, I can say that Sex Education have both positive and negative effects for Indonesian children and teenagers. It depends on their point of view where they will stand with. Even though Sex Education can give both effects, the good solution that has to be done is preparing the teenagers to accept this kind of learning in the future with appropriate culture of Indonesia.

Aprilia Eva Winanta/ 130222614326
Academic Discussion Text 4

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