Sunday, May 17, 2015

Women and Higher Level of Education

               In the past women were always underestimated by society and never involved in parts of education which men could be. Throughout history, women have only had a limited role in society with restricted opportunities (Vanderslice and Litsch, 1998). In fact, both men and women need education for a better life and future. According to Vanderslice and Litsch (1998), women who have increased education are more aware about opportunities for themselves. They are more self-confident, open-minded and more competitive. Nevertheless, most people think that women should not study at school and university to have a higher level of education. If women study at university, they just waste their time because they believe that women’s tasks are at home which do not require a higher education at all. Nevertheless, Indonesian women should study at university and have a higher level of education as equal as men. Based on the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, Chapter XIII and Article 31, states that; (1) every citizen has the right to receive education.
Women have the same right as men do to learn anything and anywhere. Generally, in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia states in Chapter XA concerning human rights in Article 28C; (1) every person shall have the right to develop him/herself through the fulfillment of his/her basic needs, the right to get education and to benefit from science and technology, arts and culture, for the purpose of improving the quality of his/her life and for the welfare of the human kind. Everyone who lives in Indonesia has the right to get education whether they are males or females. Both have equal right to get a better education as stated in the Constitution 1945. Through education people can develop themselves and improve their quality of life. There is no restriction anymore for women to get a higher education. Therefore, women can get a better education anywhere and they can also learn anything what they want. International world also admits that education is for any person because international people also realize the importance of education for any individual. Education is a fundamental human right and essential for the exercise of all other human rights, It promotes individual freedom and empowerment and yields important development benefits (UNESCO, 2009). 
Education is important for everyone, including women. Relatedly, the importance of women’s participation in education is critical (UNESCO, 1998). The importance of education for women is to build characters, increase intelligence, and improve knowledge. Wang and Parker (2011) clarify that women who have graduated from college are more likely than men to say their education helped them to grow both personally and intellectually. Intellectual people are those who are educated. They do not only get education to improve their knowledge, but also their personality which will be better if they get education. Furthermore, education improves many aspects in people life, such as religious aspects. Based on the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, Chapter XIII and Article 31, states that; (3) the government shall manage and organize one system of national education, which shall increase the level of spiritual belief, devoutness and moral character in the context of developing the life of the nation and shall be regulated by law. It is clear that the aim of learning for Indonesian residents is to improve spiritual trust, deification, ethic, and personality of the residents. Parker and Wang (2011) say that a college education is necessary in order to get ahead in life these days. Therefore, education will help people survive in life. With a higher level of education, people will get a better job. A more educated individual is more likely to participate in the job market, to have a job, to work more hours, and to be paid more, and less likely to be unemployed (French and Fisher 2009).
As a mother, she should be educated. Mother is an important part in a family, especially for the children. They are those who mostly take care of all of requirement for their children, including education. The first education that children get is home education. And they will mostly get from their mother. Mother is a person who determines their children, whether they will be educated or not. As a result, it is important that women should study at university and get a higher education. Dundar and Haworth (1993) cited that “education of women is important for producing better educated and healthier children, and reducing fertility rates.” Educated mothers will produce educated children too. Parent education correlates positively with children’s health, cognitive abilities, and academic achievement (Smith, Brooks-Gunn, and Klebanov 1997). Educated mothers will also encourage their children to study at school and university. Thus, the children’s life will also get better. Those children who graduate from university are more likely to have a better quality of life and pursue extended education themselves. Those children also have much easier time getting into good schools because their parents have emphasized the importance of an education to them. They also tend to have better grades and test scores (Wann, 2013). Educated people also consider more about their health. It makes them have healthy lifestyles. According to Playdon (2013), apparently those who get a college education are more likely to have a healthier lifestyle. Automatically, they also concern about their families health. Higher levels of education also correspond to improve health and lower rates of mortality, (Grossman and Kaestner 1997; Lochner and Moretti 2004).
Women with a higher education have more chance to have a better job. People who graduate from university have more opportunities to get a better job. The benefits of a higher education also extend to the chances of being employed in the first place. Research by Greenstone and Looney (2011) of the Brookings Institution’s Hamilton Project, shows: “On average, the benefits of a four-year college degree are equivalent to an investment that returns 15.2% per year” (Playdon, 2013). They can compete with anyone including men and they also have the same chance as man in jobs market. Kelly and Slaughther (1991) point out that through qualifications and credentials secured through the higher learning, women would equip themselves for all manners of professional positions, entering the market place and political arena with the same advantages as men. In universities they learn many things that will be useful for their job later, for instance, problem-solving, skills of communication, and managing people. They also train to be professional workers by learning theories and doing many practices. Because of the higher education, they also have opportunities to get a better job as well as the salary. The most-measured benefit of higher education is of course graduate salaries, and the report confirms that higher levels of education do result in higher earning power (Playdon, 2013). Women employees also can be independent for their own financial. It can help themselves to survive and improve their quality of life. Dundar and Haworth (1993) cited that “education of women is important not only from the angle of equal education opportunity between the sexes, but also for the substantial social and economic returns to female education that can be achieved by raising women's productivity and  income level. In addition to that, they also help their family’s life. The children of more highly paid workers are also less likely to grow up in poverty, less likely to be poor as adults, and more likely to be better educated and paid as adults, and therefore less likely to rely on food stamps or other public assistance (French and Fisher 2009; Duncan, Kalil, and Ziol-Guest 2008).
Most people may think that women should not study at school and university.  The thought is totally wrong that women should not study at school and university. The school and university are provided for anyone, like education itself, for any individuals. As United Nation declares in the Universal Declaration of Human Right Article 26; (1) everyone has the right concerning education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and a higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit. Everyone in the world has the right concerning education. Certainly, it also states that a higher education should be equally accessible for anyone. It does not depend on anything, including sex. There is no doubt anymore that women can get any level of education. Normative instruments of the United Nations and UNESCO lay down international legal obligations for the right to education, these instruments promote and develop the right of every person to enjoy access to education of good quality, without discrimination or exclusion (UNESCO, 2009). Not only can women access any level of education, but they also deserve to get good quality of education which will impact to the quality of the women themselves. If the quality of the education is good, it will be useful and very helpful for their daily lives. As a mother, they will make their children educated. As a worker, they will be a professional worker and have a higher salary. Those reasons will impact to development of the country. Education is a powerful tool by which economically and socially marginalized adults and children can lift themselves out of poverty and participate fully as citizens (UNESCO, 2009).
Every person may say that education for women is not important. However, the statement is completely false. As United Nation declares in the Universal Declaration of Human Right Article 26; (2) Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace. As it states in the declaration, education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality, which means that women are involved in it. It is because it is certainly women are human beings. The purpose of education according to the United Nation is that people can respect more the human right and freedom, and make the world free from discrimination as well as keep the peace of world. According to Lleras-Muney (2005) higher levels of education also correspond to lower rates of crime. Another reason is that the benefits of a more educated population accrue not just to the more educated workers, but also to the future generations and to the broader society (Berger and Fisher, 2013).
All in all, indeed, women should be educated and have degrees of education. The reasons are, women have the same chance as men to learn what they want, any level of education is necessary for everyone who needs a higher level of education, and women should also be smart as a mother. It is recommended that women should study at university to get a higher level of education, since education is important for everyone to extend their knowledge, improve the quality of life, become great mothers and make the women have good personality

Raadhiyah Mardiyyah
Final Project

E-Sabak Is a New Program from Ministry of Education

              Recently, the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Ministry of Technology has made a new program. They substitute textbooks for electronic books which are called electronic sabak or E-Sabak. The Indonesian government plans to use E-Sabak in outlying regions such as in Papua, Nusa Tenggara Timur, and Kalimatan. Both ministries also cooperate with Telkom Indonesia, the biggest telecommunication company in Indonesia as the provider for the network in the outlying regions. E-Sabak still becomes pros and cons among citizens. People think using of E-Sabak in schools is not effective to support teaching process. Besides, citizens considering the program is only trick of business, the advantages of the program only for some sides not for the society. However, E-Sabak program has advantages and disadvantages for the government and the citizens.
There are two advantages of E-Sabak. Firstly, E–Sabak is a medium to introduce technology to students. There is no doubt that there is imbalance betw­­een people who li­­­­­ve in the capital and people who live far from the capital, including in sides of education and technology. People in the capital have more knowledge about technology because the media are available. In other word, they more educate than people who live far from the capital. In this cases, outlying regions people are left behind from the capital people. The government actually tries to balance the differences through the program.  A book is one of the important aspects of learning process, using E-Sabak is essential to teach technology to students. Because of the E-Sabak will use in every session of learning process. They will learn how to operate tablets PC. In addition, applications in the tablets PC will make students more capable to accustom with technology. The students will learn many kind of application program in the gadgets. Gradually, the students will usual with technology because of using E-Sabak.   
Secondly, E-Sabak is more efficient than textbooks in terms of money and energy. Using of E-Sabak to substitute textbooks are more efficient because the government should not distribute many course books to the schools. The materials will be transfer through the Internet from the government to the schools. It is more practical for the government, teachers, and students. Later on, by using E-Sabak the government hopes no more late distribution for the textbooks. The government should not consider the distribution fee. Teachers and students also should not pay the books fee. In this case, the government save more money and energy. In addition, the books are in the form of tablet PC that the contents are only the electronic books. The students cannot access anything else except the E-Sabak. Moreover, E-Sabak is more interactive than textbooks because teachers can do many quizzes from E-Sabak. The various forms of the quizzes will be included in the gadgets, for example, the quizzes in the form of games. So, the students can do many enjoyable quizzes in different forms in the tablets PC.
On the other hand, there are also two disadvantages applying E-Sabak. First, most of infrastructures in Indonesia are not ready for E-Sabak. Utilizing E-Sabak for education especially, in distant areas will take more times. There is no electricity in most of the areas. The tablets PC need electricity to make it work. So, the government should prepare the electricity first, before starting the program. Moreover, the materials courses will be sent through the Internet from the government to the schools where most of the regions also lack of the Internet signal. The signal must be available in the outlying areas because without it the program might be not successful.
Second, changing textbooks into E-Sabak is not effective for teaching process. Teachers and students in outlying regions are not accustomed to using E-Sabak. They should adjust with the technology that they never use before. It is not easy to accustom to a new thing. Furthermore, E-Sabak applies in gadgets. There is always an opportunity that the equipment will be error. Consequently, the learning process will disrupt because of the error. For example, the tablets will not work because there is an error in the machines because of viruses or computer problems. In addition, the lifespan of gadgets are not longer than textbooks. For instance, a tablet PC will survive at least for five years. After that, the gadget will not work as usual. Gadgets are sensitive and easy to damage because those are machines. Nonetheless, textbooks are not machines. The lifetime is longer than gadgets. So, using of textbooks in learning process are more effective than E-Sabak.
In summary, there are always advantages and disadvantages from a policy. The policy from the Ministry of Education is good for the citizens. Certainly, the government tries to make a well-balanced education between education in the capital and education in the outlying regions. The advantages from the program that E-Sabak is a medium to bring in technology to students and the application of E-Sabak is more ergonomic than the textbooks. Nevertheless, there are two disadvantages of E-Sabak, facility in Indonesia is not accessible and using of        E-Sabak is not effectual. Therefore, citizens should be facing the policy wisely, do not judge the government. Even so, the government must reconsider the advantages and the disadvantages whether the program is good or not for the society.  

Raadhiyah Mardiyyah

Is It Good to Take Evening Classes?

            Nowadays, a level of education is an important thing. Many people compete with others to get a higher level of education. People mostly believe that the degree of education will determine better jobs and better income. Berger and Fisher (2013) enlighten the connection between education and income is strong enough. Not only will a high school diploma, technical college certificate, or college degree increase one’s skills and productivity, but it will also increase employers’ motivation so that they can complete their jobs. And because of this reason, a number of universities provide students with evening classes. The purpose of this class is to fill what people’s needs. Those who cannot attend morning classes because they have jobs need evening classes to continue their study. Most people who take the evening classes are workers. Based on recent studies, 54% students who were workers enrolled in education programs. They work in the morning and attend classes in the evening. Many people prefer choosing morning classes to evening classes. For some reasons, evening classes have positive and negative sides for the students.
      First of all, students who attend evening classes will lack sleep. Those who also work do not have enough time for rest because their schedule is very strict. In fact, every person should have adequate sleep. The National Institutes of Health suggests that school-age children need at least 10 hours of sleep everyday, teens need 9-10 hours, and adults need 7-8 hours. Lack of sleep will impact on students performance. Mindell and Owens (2010) say that lack of sleep may result in problems with attention, memory, decision-making, organization, and creativity, all of which are clearly important for success in school. Students who want to have good performance in class should have enough time for sleep. According to Wolfson and Carskadon, additionally the number of hours of sleep is positively correlated with measures of academic achievement (1998).
Second, the time of the evening classes will bring bad effects on students’ performance. Almost all activities in the world start in the morning and end in the evening. For example, learning process of the elementary schools or working in the government starts the activities in the morning and finishes in the afternoon or evening. Morning and evening have different atmospheres that make people usually start any activities in the morning. People who do not usually start their activities in the evening will find difficulty in following the courses in college. It is because the students cannot deal with the learning process. Kamal (2014) says that lack of concentration can rob your motivation and ability to learn new information. When they cannot understand the courses, it will impact on their performance in the class. In addition to that, people will not focus and concentrate on their lessons when the instructors teach them since they are sleepy. At night when there is less light, your brain triggers the release of melatonin, a hormone that makes you sleepy (Smith, Segal, & Robinson, 2015).
However, the evening classes has two positive sides. Firstly, the schedules of the classes are flexible. The flexibility is opportunity for students who work and cannot wake up in the morning. Moreover, the evening classes give many advantages to those who usually learn in silent atmosphere. Achenbach (1991) explains that evening type students have more difficulty adjusting to the earlier start time than morning types. Most people prefer to rest in the evening. This condition makes the students focus more on the learning process. Moreover, Wahistrom (2002) finds that the later start time has a positive effect on attendance and an insignificant improvement on grades. Even Goldstein et al. (2007) finds that scores on intelligence tests are significantly lower during the early morning hours. For those reasons, the evening classes also improve cleverness, presence and scores.
Secondly, the evening classes are suitable for employees who want to continue their study. It is important to have higher degree in education for those who want to occupy a higher position of a job. The level of education will determine your position especially those who have graduated from universities. As French and Fisher (2009) explain that a more educated individual is more likely to participate in the job market, to have a job, to work more hours, and to be paid more, and less likely to be unemployed. People with a higher education background are more professional than those with a lower education background. It is because in college they learn many theories and practice them which will be useful for their jobs later. They also have more knowledge and skills. Berger and Fisher (2013) suggest that adults with at least a college degree experienced greater increases in productivity, measured as gross state product per hour worked.  
            To conclude, evening classes have plus and minus sides for the students who take the classes. Taking evening classes is good for people who want to achieve a higher degree and cannot attend morning classes. On the other hand, such classes will risk the students. They will not have sufficient sleep if they are students and also employees. It is essential for those who want to attend the evening classes to know the advantages and disadvantages.  


Raadhiyah Mardiyyah (130222614342)
Discussion Academic/Off H         

The Importance of Having Adequate Sleep for Students

           Students are accustomed to having many assignments. Besides, they also have many activities outside the school. For instance, they join extracurricular programs, they have part-time jobs, and maybe they just hang out with their friends. They have hectic schedules. It makes the students lack of sleep. Carskadon (1990) adolescents themselves have consistently reported that they are not getting enough sleep. People sometimes underestimate the importance of sleep. They think that sleep never affects students performance. On the other hand, the students should sleep adequately in order to have good performance in class. Additionally, the number of hours of sleep is positively correlated with measures of academic achievement (Forister, et al 2007)
Recent scientific research has strengthened the notion that sleep may play an important role in learning and memory, with several studies finding an inverse relationship between sleep and academic performance at both the secondary and post-secondary level (Curcio, Ferrara, and Gennaro 2006). The students need to sleep to refresh their mind. Therefore, they can learn better after they get enough sleep. In addition to that, the students who have sufficient sleep will have good performance in class. Several surveys of sample sizes ranging from 50 to 200 high school students reported that more total sleep, earlier bedtimes, and later weekday rise times are associated with better grades in school (Manber et al, 1995). Moreover, Wolfson and Carskadon (1998) enlighten in general, students with higher grades reported longer and more regular sleep. Specifically, they reported more total sleep, and earlier bedtimes, on school nights than those who have lower grades. The learners who have adequate sleep are those who have organized sleep schedules well. Wolfson and Carskadon (1998) clarify that high school students who had longer total sleep times, small weekend delay or low weekend oversleeps were defined as having adopted adequate sleep habits.
If the students have no sufficient time of sleep, they will have problems in the class. Mindell and Owens (2010) say that not getting enough sleep may result in problems with attention, memory, decision-making, organization, and creativity, all of which are clearly important for success in school. Indeed, those things are crucial abilities for students, for instance, the students have to pay attention to the lessons given when the teaching and learning process is in progress. Paying attention is indispensable to make the students understand about the lessons given by the instructors. According to Bolles, we remember what we understand, we understand only what we pay attention to, we pay attention to what we want (Bucks County Community College, 1999). If the students do not pay attention to the lessons in the class, they will find difficulty in apprehending the instructional materials. Besides, they should have good memory to remember anything that they have learned and comprehended. Memory is the means by which we draw on our past experiences in order to use this information in the present (Sternberg, 1999). The students will find difficulty in recovering their memories without sleep. It helps them recover their memories after learning many lessons in the class.

Furthermore, rest deprivation really influences pupils performance. Quine (1992) declares that persistent sleep problems have also been associated with learning difficulties throughout the school years. Not only does the lack of sleep impact on the students’ performance, but it also impacts on the learning process and students behaviors. Studies of excessive sleepiness in adolescents due to narcolepsy or sleep apnea have also reported negative effects on learning, school performance, and behavior (Dahl, Holttum, and Trubnick, 1994). The reasons are definitely related to the habits of sleep. Wolfson and Carskadon (1998) give their accounts that those who are reported having poor academic performance are more likely to less sleep, go to bed later, and have more irregular habits. The learners who categorize lack of sleep if they have badly sleep habits. For instance, they often oversleep and have unorganized sleep schedules. Wolfson and Carskadon (1998) explain students with shorter sleep times, large weekend delays or high weekend overslept were defined as having adopted less than adequate sleep habits.
People may say that there is no relationship between adequate sleep and the students’ performance. This statement is absolutely nonsense. Indeed, both sufficient sleep and learners’ performance have a strong connection. Epstein, Chillag, and Lavie (1995) surveyed Israeli elementary, junior high, and senior high  school students reported that less total sleep time was associated with daytime fatigue, inability to concentrate in school, and a tendency to doze off in class. Those happen because many people do not care about their physical strength. In this case, they ignore how much they sleep. The National Institutes of Health suggests that school-age children need at least 10 hours of sleep daily, teens need 9-10 hours, and adults need 7-8 hours. Duration of the sleep should not less or more. It should be adequate. Research by the Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School suggests that sleep plays an important role in memory, both before and after learning a new task (2007). Additionally, the students who are lack of sleep will get trouble in learning process. Wolfson and Carskadon (1998) explain sleepy adolescents that is, those with inadequate sleep may also encounter more academic difficulties.
In conclusion, students should rest sufficiently to recover the strength of their bodies. It will make them learn better. Gradually, their performance in the class will improve because they do not feel sleepy anymore when the teaching and learning process is in progress. And then, they can focus on the lessons given by the instructors in the class. Therefore, it is much better to have sufficient time of sleep so that the teaching and learning process can be optimal.


Raadhiyah Mardiyyah

Death Penalty for Corrupt Officials

           Nowadays, Indonesia is not free from corruption. Some of government officials are involved in cases of corruption, for example, ex-Governor of Banten, Ratu Atut Chosiyah or ex-Mayor of Bandung, Dada Rosada. The Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission conducts anti-corruption activities in all parts of the government. The commission investigates those who are involved in corruption cases. The purpose is to make the government officials free from cases of corruption. Almost all the officials who are evidently guilty are given jail punishment for a couple of years only. On the other hand, the government of China has applied death penalty for serious cases of corruption to make the government minus corruption. Death penalty still becomes a controversy among people in Indonesia. Nonetheless, those who corrupt in Indonesia should be penalized death.
Death penalty is an equal punishment for those who corrupt. They deserve to get death penalty because of their big mistakes. Corrupt actions will cause bad effects for the government and the citizens. Here, the citizens will be poorer and the country will not develop. People who corrupt steal citizens’ money. As a result, the economic prosperity will be chaos because the money is stolen by such people. The citizens will lack help from the government. For instance, the government cannot build public facilities and give subsidy for deprived people. Besides, people who corrupt also crush the government’s money calculation. It happens because the government already plans many programs. The corrupt activities certainly bring many disadvantages. Therefore, people who corrupt must pay for their mistakes and death penalty is the solution. 
 Death penalty is a lesson for all members of a country. It will be a good example for other government officials and citizens to learn from mistakes. It is also important that people know the effects of corruption. Once they know the effects of corruption, they will surely avoid other kinds of corrupt activities such as cheating, lying, and be disloyal to the residents. People will realize that corruption is a big fault. Therefore, people will not do the same thing. It makes the government officials have good and honest attitudes.      
Some people may say that death penalty is an antiquated punishment. This statement may be true but the purpose of the punishment is still useful until now. There are 13 countries that still apply death penalty, including Indonesia, America, Uni Emirate Arab, Bangladesh, Iran, and Japan. As the people who corrupt, they will be perilous for many people and give more disadvantages to the surrounding people. It will be very unsafe for other people in the country. Their actions are prejudicial for the citizens. It is because they take the citizens’ money and use it for personal purposes. 
People may believe that death penalty is not the right sentence. The statement is truly false. The officials or representatives should actually serve citizens. They are elected by the people, but they betray the people. They make the people’s lives suffer more because they lie and do what they want. Most of the corruptors actually are rich because of their greediness they still steal people’s money. It is equal that people who suffer many people must punish by death.

In brief, people who commit corruption should be sentenced demise. The reasons are they are reasonable to punish death because they do bad activities, they make our economic prosperity worse, and make the people suffer. Besides, death penalty is an appropriate sentence for them. It is also recommended that the Indonesian government should apply death penalty for those who commit corruption since they will make our country much worse. 

Raadhiyah Mardiyyah

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

A Big No for Animal Testing

Nowadays, it seems that we are not unfamiliar anymore with the terms animal testing. Animal testing refers to the experimentation carried out animals. It is used to assess the safety and effectiveness of everything from medication to cosmetics, as well as understanding body how the human body works (Anonymous, 2011). Animals here are used to ensure the products are safe for the use of humans. At one side, animal testing has been successfully developed new and effective medical treatments, yet, on the other side, some of the test that these animals subjected to are very painful and cruel. Thus there are some people who support this animal testing because animals are appropriate research subjects because they are similar to human beings and it is fine since animals do not have rights, however, some stronger arguments standing in believe that animal testing should be banned because animals are killed or kept in captivity and it does not reliably predict result in human beings.
            The first reason why we should ban animal testing is because it kills animals and keeps animals in captivity. According to Humane Society International, animals used in experiments are commonly subjected to force feeding, forced inhalation, food and water deprivation, prolonged periods of physical restraint, the infliction of burns and other wounds to study the healing process, the infliction of pain to study its effects and remedies, and “killing by carbon dioxide asphyxiation, neck-breaking, decapitation, or other means” (Anonymous, 2015). Furthermore, The Animal Welfare Act, or AWA does not cover rats, mice, fish and birds, which comprise around 95% of the animals used in research.  These animals are especially vulnerable and more likely to be mistreated and abused without the protection of the AWA. That is why, if we keep conducting animal testing, it will be a violation of the life rights of those animals.
            The second reason why animal testing should be forbidden is because it does not reliably predict result in human beings. There is also the argument that the reaction of a drug in animal’s body is quite different from the reaction in a human. The strongest reason supporting this idea is that the animals may feel under pressure and under stressed if they are in an unnatural environment. In this rate, they will not react to the drugs in the same way than if we compare to their potential reactionin a natural environment. It weakens the validity of animal experimentation. Aysha Akhtar, a neurologist stated that over 100 stroke drugs that were effective when tested on animals have failed in humans, and over 85 HIV vaccines failed in humans after working well in non-human primates. This data shows that animal testing is not reliable for human. It can cause dangerous effect for sure.
            Responding to the negative side that disagrees with the conduction of animal testing, there are also some arguments that support this idea. People may state that First, people may state that animal testing is fine since animals are appropriate research subjects because they are similar to human beings in many ways, but this idea is really absurd. Human and animals have different anatomic, metabolic, and cellular. It indicates that animals poor models for human beings. Paul Furlong, Professor of Clinical Neuroimaging at Aston University stated that it is hard to create an animal model that even equates closely to what we are trying to achieve in the human. Furthermore, like what have been explained before, animal test do not reliably predict results in human beings. Second, people may state that animals do not have right, yet once again, this idea is nonsense. Every living thing in this whole world has right. No matter who or what, they still have to be protected and have the right to continue living. Thus, it is so unfair and rude to say that animals do not have rights to continue living.
            All in all, why animal testing should be banned is supported by some strong arguments, such as because animals are killed or kept in captivity and it does not reliably predict result in human beings. Yet, some people have a different perception responding to this issue. They state that animal testing is essential because animals are appropriate research subjects because they are similar to human beings and it is fine since animals do not have rights. However, if we take a really good look, animal testing is really harmful from many different aspects. Thus, animal testing should be banned since it causes bad impacts.

Abortion, it is right or wrong?

For many years abortion has been a controversial issue to whether abortion should be legal or illegal all over the world. Abortion is defined as termination or medical operation to end a pregnancy so that the baby is not born live (Longman dictionary).  Without any anesthesia the baby is torn apart and vacuumed from the mother. This abortion becomes controversial at much like every aspect in human. Many people believe if the abortion is part of homicide.  Rand Paul, MD, US Senator (KY-R) stated in his article title Sanncity of Life that abortion takes the life of an innocent human being. On other hand, the ability to safe and legal abortion has been critical for many women as they seek to define and live their lives with dignity (National Abortion Federation / NAF, 2014). Honoring women means honoring their choices, including the choice of wether and when to have childreen. So that, people believe that abortion is right way because it is an act of how people can honoring women and also it is already legal in some country such as Australia, Albania, Argentina, Belgium, Bosnia, Cambodia, Canada, Cuba, Denmark, Germany, North Korea, Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Vietnam and many more.  Here are some reason why abortion still controversial in all around the world.
    Abortion is legal for some reasons. First, abortion is method of birth control. In fact, some of country have population problem. For instance, China; South Korea; and others. When a country faces the problems of population explosion, the governments should find methods to solve it. But, since no methods of contraception are one hundred percent effective and successful, abortion becomes the only way out prevention fails. Second, legalize abortion can reduce the risk of death resulting from abortion is many times less than a woman’s risk of death during pregnancy and childbirth (National Abortion Federation / NAF, 2014). Between 1880’s and 1973’s many thousands of women died or suffered serious medical problems after attempting to self-induce their abortions or going to untrained practitioners who performed abortions with primitive methods or in unsanitary conditions. During this time, hospital emergency room staff treated thousands of women who eaither died or were suffering terrible effects of abortions provided without adequate skill and care. At some maternal death cases around the world cause by botched abortion. This situation happens because at their relevant country, doing abortion is illegal. It makes people, especially women whether they are pregnant because of an accident before marriage or because of rape, do concealed abortion.  For instance, Vanessa Alejandra Rivera de la Fuente as feminist moeslim writer and activist in 2012 stated that abortions in Argentina representing 30 percent of maternal death. In many cases, abortion complication and death are not reported to authorities. For every woman who seeks medical help due to complications, seven others in the same situation do not seek help.
Third, legal abortion is the right of women to decide on a pregnancy resulting from the commission of a crime, which is an improvement on women’s autonomy over her body. Women are capable os making intelligent and and conscientious decisions about their own lives and families. Women deserve the autonomy and dignity to act in accordence with their personal convictions, and to decide what is best for their own lives and families. National Abortion Federation / NAF in 2014 stated that women should be trusted and respected to exercise the choices about theirbodies and lives that are best for them, and not be forced by the government into personal reproductive decisions that are against their will. In short, (U.S. Supreme Court 1973) said that the women have a right to make decisions about their own bodies. Fourth, abortion is an effort of women to maintain the individual rights to make personal decision about reproduction. Abortion and reproductive freedom more broadly defined are important pieces of ensuring this common dream. To obtain a better future, each people must be free to make profoundly personal decision about reproductive lives without unwarranted government that respects the personal integrity of its people both interferes in these essentially private decision as a litle as possible and helps ensure that everyone has the opportunity to make these decision responsibility (Loise Mailing JD 2009). The governments must not be involved in personal healthcare decisions. Those who oppose contraception and abortion are free to make that choice for themselves and their families, but not for others.
Fifth, abortion is not homicide. Homicide is the killing of one person by another; murder (Oxford dictionary). But abortion can only be homicide if a fetus or embryo is known to be a person, and fetuses are not to be a person until the point of viability. The fetus is viable between 22—24 weeks of the pregnancy (Babymed 2001). Sixth, abortion is legal because women have the power to exercise that right regardless of government policy (Head Tom 2015). Since women believe that laws criminalizing the procedure generally apply to doctors, not to women, which means that even under state laws banning abortion as medical procedure, women would be free to terminate their pregnancies through other means—by taking drugs that terminate pregnancies but are intended for other purpose. In Nicaragua, where abortion is illegal, the ulcer drug misoprostol is often used for this purpose. It is inexpensive, easy to transport and conceal, and terminates the pregnancy in a manner that resembles a miscarriage—and it is one of literally hundreds of options available to women who would terminate pregnancies illegally. This option are so effective that, according to a 2007 study by the World Health Organization, abortions are just as likely to occur in countries where abortion is illegal as they are to occur in countries where abortion is not. Unfortunately, these options are also substantially more dangerous than medically-supervised abortions-resulting in an estimate 80,000 accidental death each years.
    Although there are several reasons of which support abortion to be legal, but there are also severel reasons to against and believe that abortion should be illegal. First, abortions is  Offends God. Abortion is never a mere personal choice but a grave offense against God and His creation. The anti-abortion struggle has always been a religious battle. This is because almost every religions teaching on abortion is clear and unequivocal: abortion is murder. There are no exceptions allowed, no compromises possible. Second, abortions is unsafe. Compared     with other medical procedures, the abortion industry is largely unregulated. Although there    are no exact statistics for the number of women who die from botched procedures, Life in 2012 said if compiled a list of 347 women killed by legal abortions since 1973.  Furthermore, the National Cancer Institute commissioned a study lead by Dr. Janet Daling, an abortion supporter, and her colleagues at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center which found a link between abortion and cancer stated that among women who had been pregnant  at least once, the risk of breast cancer in those who had experienced an induced abortion was 50% higher than among other women. The Coalition on Abortion and Breast Cancer reported that 28 out of 37 worldwide studies have independently linked induced abortion with breast cancer. Thirteen out of fifteen studies conducted on American women report increased risk. Seventeen studies are statistically significant, sixteen of which found increased risk. Most of the studies have been conducted by abortion supporters.   
Third, abortions may cause many negative effects for women’s health. Women risk their health and lives in bearing weight of the operations and its consequences. The most common complications are inflammation, interruption of menstrual patterns, infertility, endometriosis, myoma of the uterus, and many other kind of ovary illnesses. Fourth, mankind must protect life whenever possible. The first and foremost instinct of humans is preservation of life. This begins with self-preservation, and extends to all humanity through domestic bonds and realization of a like nature. Pregnancy termination stops the beating heart of a growing human being and is in direct contradiction to this most basic premise of human nature (JJ Thompson 1971). It forsakes natural law, and has left America as a country unable to repopulate itself without the aid of mass immigration.
For society as a whole, abortions still become a dilemma for countries. As well as for the children themselves, it is better if every child is wanted child. However, abortion is not best way of avoiding unwanted children, and improved sex education, easily available contraception, and better education and opportunities for young women, can help to reduce the number of abortions. But as long as abortion is needed as last resort, most humanist would agree that society should provide save legal facilities. On the other hand, abortion also brings terrible consequences, especially for woman health. After all, it is back to the society, whether the society choose to agree with legal abortion or against to the abortion option.

Refferences :
 Longman dictionary
Oxford dictionary
Abortion and Embryo Destruction
"The Wrong of Abortion" by Robert P. George and Patrick Lee from Andrew I. Cohen and Christopher Wellman, eds., Contemporary Debates in Applied Ethics (New York: Blackwell Publishers, 2005)
"I Was Once a Fetus: an Identity-Based Argument Against Abortion" by Alexander Pruss
Pro-Life Feminism
"How Abortion Hurts Women: The Hard Proof" by Erika Bachiochi, JD
Religious Resources
"Abortion" by Rabbi David Novak
"Abortion in Halakhic Literature"  by Rabbi David Bleich
"Abortion" Compiled by the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance
Rand Paul, MD, US Senator(KY-R) stated in his article title Sancity of Life, posted on his official US Senate website (acces April 30 2015)
Abortion Policies:A Global Review. Acces at 14 April 2015. United Nation Department of Econimic and Social Affairs, Population Division.
Pregnancy viability what does it meas.Acces at 23 April[regnancy-viability-what-does-it-mean.©2001—2015
Head,tom. 2012. Legal Abortion.(Online). (, it is searched February 04, 2015
 A Humanist Discussion On Abortion.Acces at 14 April

Azalia Illahi Hidayat Putri
Final project: academic discussion

Cigarette Consumer Oblige The Company to be Responsible for People Who Suffer from Illness Caused by Cigarette

It is a fact that Indonesia has the highest cigarette factory around the world. Based on Frans Rupang as Directorate General of Customs and Excises interviewed by (2010) said that nowadays Indonesia has at least 3.800 cigarette factories included the home industry spread at all over Indonesia. This condition increases the number of smoker in Indonesia with the fifth higher number of smoker in the world. In general, if the number of smoker increase so that the number of people who are suffer from illness because consume cigarette. The new phenomenon appears. The consumers who are suffer from the cigarette try to ask and also oblige the company to be responsible at them. This issue becomes very controversial. It is supporting by many acceptable reasons in the terms of responsible and willingness. Therefore, people should not blame the cigarette factory to be responsible to the people who are suffers from illness caused by cigarette.
Some people argue that the cigarette factories have to responsible with consumer who are suffer from illness caused by consuming cigarette. It will help the consumer in terms of responsible and willingness. By giving responsible with consumer who are suffer from illness caused by consuming cigarette it can help them to pay hospitalize bill. This assumption is fully wrong. Consumers who are suffer from illness is not always caused by consuming cigarette. There are possibility if the illness may comes from other aspect, such as consume habits, life style habits, and other. It is also possible if the illness is already infected before they decided to consume cigarettes. So, it cannot be guarantee that the illness which they got caused by consuming cigarette. Furthermore, the factories have already paid tax for their product, so the responsible can be included at each product tax they are selling. Another assumption is by giving responsible with consumer who are suffer from illness caused by consuming cigarette it can shows the factory willing to help their consumer. This statement is not truly true. The cigarette consumer decided to consume cigarette by their own willing. The factories did not force the consumer to buy and consume their product. Instead, the cigarette factories give warn of the dangerous for consume cigarette to each of their sachet products and also give warn of the dangerous for consume cigarette in commercial advertisement.
I strongly believe, giving responsible with consumer who are suffer from illness caused by consuming cigarette is not true in two term. Firstly, in terms of responsible, people should not blame the factory because the factory has already shows their responsibility. Since Indonesia became one of the biggest tobacco and cigarette supplier country, it can be found many cigarette factories open in almost every side of Indonesia, especially in Java. All of the factories have the regulation to operate their factories, included internal and external relationship. One of the focus of an external relationship is being responsible with every possible that can be happens between the factories and the consumer. The responsibilities of the factories give such as by paying taxes and giving warning. For every cigarette factories which have already legalized by the governments have had to pay taxes. They are an object taxes, operate taxes, place taxes, advertisement taxes, permission taxes, and more. The factories also give warning. Other responsible that factories shows is giving warning. The object of this warning is consumer. By giving warning the factories try to remind the consumer about the effect before people decided of being smoker or consume cigarettes. For instance, at Djisamsoe cigarettes there is a warning in the sachet written “merokok dapat menyebabkan kanker paru-paru”, complete with the illustration and also the  Djisamsoe cigarettes produce commercial advertisement which contain a warning of smoker’s effects.
Secondly, in terms of willingness, people should not blame the factory because the factory has willingness to increase educational and job vacancy aspects by creating foundation and opening some occupations. It is not only giving warning, but also creating foundation. This responsible is an alternative for smart young people to make their chance by participating at some test to get some scholarships giving by cigarettes factories. For instance, is Beswan Djarum. This foundation is belonging to PT. Djarum which is one of the cigarettes company in Indonesia. This foundation is looking or more than a hundred students who have good intelligence and leadership skills. The foundation will give them scholarship for those who are selected. The factories also give job vacancy for Indonesian people by opening some occupation. For instance, almost every two years PT. HM Sampoerna held open recruitment for ages to have chance to work with them.
All in all, giving responsible with consumer who are suffer from illness caused by consuming cigarette is not duty of cigarette factories. The factories have already gave responsible by giving direct warning in the sachet of the cigarette and commercial advertisement. The responsible also can be proved at the factories duty of paying taxes and willingness to creating foundation and job vacation for society. Considered from above statements and reasons, giving responsible with consumer who are suffer from illness caused by cigarette should not be duty of cigarette factories.
Vania,nia.2015.Rokok Bisa Tersedak Kenaikan PPN.Online access at 14 April 2015.

Azalia Illahi Hidayat Putri
Task 6: Argumentative Essay Pattern 2