Friday, May 8, 2015

The dark side of playing DOTA

             DOTA, one of the most famous games in the world. Almost every teenager is playing this game. DOTA or Defend of the Ancient is a game which is played personal or by a team. Actually you can get advantages from this game like increasing your keyboard’s typing speed, getting many friends from the internet, and increasing your English vocabulary. However, there are also some disadvantages from this game, such as addicted, become unhealthy, and wasting money.
First, this DOTA game will make some people addicted for sure because this game is so exciting. It has good graphical features which make this game like the real one and interesting to play. The trees, the river, the ground, the heroes and also the skills are displayed in High Definition (HD) graphic. All of them are animated in the best way just like the real one. The game play also interesting. In this game we can play personal or by a team. In the personal game mode, we played one by one, there are also two heroes which are your hero and the enemy’s hero. In team game mode there ten heroes, which are five heroes on your side and five heroes on enemy’s side, so, as a team we have four allies in our side. This game will be completed when one of the forts on both sides had been destroyed. The guardian here is the heroes that being controlled by all of the players. It will be so exciting when you are able to kill your opponents in this game and destroy the enemy’s forth, especially when the opponent is your friend in the real life and you play it with them in the same place. You will laugh or scream at them as a celebration and vice versa, that’s so funny. I think that one is the cause of being addicted in this game. When you are addicted to this game, you will play it again and again. You will delay the other activities that you should do at that time such as eating, doing your homework or assignment, praying, etc. At the next level, you will start skipping the class to play this game and you will start stealing money for buying its item such as boots, helmets, customs, or weapons to strengthen your heroes in this game.
Second, playing games too much will lead you to unhealthy life. Usually when you get addicted to this game, you will delay your meal time because you are tend to play this game rather than eat. So, when your meal time is actually at 6.00 a.m. you will delay it until you finish the game. It can be around 11.00 a.m. Delay your meal time is not good for health. Moreover, this game will not be ended in fifteen minutes or thirty minutes. The others game that cannot be finished in less than thirty minute are Red Alert 3, Age of Empire 3, Warcraft, Counter Strike, League of Legend and etc. These games need at least more than thirty minutes, it can be forty five minutes to half an hour in one round and also it’s not enough to play this game just once, it must be more than once. I do experience it when I was playing DOTA game. I often delayed my meal time until I finished this game and as a result I got stomachache. My friends who also playing game too much got different illness. Some of them got gastritis and some of them got problems with their eyes because of the radiation from the computer’s screen. Those two are the most result that gamers get from playing game too much.
The worst disadvantage from playing this game is wasting money. It is because of we have to pay for every time we go to the Internet café for playing game. Most of gamers are going to the internet café for playing game in about 1 to 3 hours per day. It is okay if you use your own money to play this game. However, most of the game players are still students. The possibility of using their own money from their income is just small. Usually when they have not enough money to play this game, or when they want to buy some item to strengthen their characters, they will steal money because their willingness to play this game is too strong. It is because they have already addicted to play this game. It happened to my friend which is already addicted to this game. When he has no money to play this game, he asks his mother for money, and when his mother does not give him money, he steals it secretly from her mother’s wallet.
            Defend of the Ancient or often called DOTA is one of the most popular game in the world. If you cannot manage your time wisely, you will got disadvantages from this game, such as addicted, become unhealthy, and wasting money. Actually, we can get only the advantages by manage our time wisely.

                                          By: Muhammad Ruby Ernawa
Public Persuasion

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