Sunday, May 10, 2015

We All Die Without Water


We All Die Without Water
By: Chory Trisa Yuanilasari / 130222614304
            Human is the part of living thing. They need what the living thing need such as air, water, and food in order to support their life. Among of those things, water becomes the crucial thing that cannot be underestimated by us. We can live without food for a week but we cannot live without drinking water for only a day. Thus, drinking water is a must for us. Mineral water is one of the water’s type in the world that is acceptable to be consumed lots by human being. According to Dr. Monica Reinagel, M.S., L.D, the nutritionist from USA, mineral water is water from mineral spring that contains various minerals, such as salts and sulfur compounds. The compounds of mineral water itself are very important compounds to be consumed by human to fulfill the body’s need. For those reason, that is why we should drink mineral water.
            Mineral water becomes the fuel for the important parts of human body. Fore and most is brain. Brain takes the most water consumed than other parts of human body. It helps to distribute oxygen that is needed by brain to works through blood circulation this blood circulation is filtered by kidney. Those three organs is working each other by the fuel from oxygen from mineral water. Suppose one of those three organs is stopped then, the other will be stopped too. So, this is a must for us to drink enough mineral water in order to keep our  crucial organs work continuously; because water in our body should be renewed as it is ejected from our body through breathing, sweating, and ruining.
            Many studies show that drinking mineral water fulfills your daily calcium requirements and up to a third of your required magnesium. The mineral compound from mineral water helps to strengthen your tooth; and the magnesium and calcium compounds are good for strong bones. In an article that Dr. Monica wrote, it is stated that magnesium helps to regulate the blood pressure. Drinking mineral water also becomes a good habit. It will not make you fat. Whereas, it can temporary assuage hunger pangs which dieter finds useful. In addition, drinking lots mineral water also helps to prevent a kidney stone in those susceptible to them. Drinking lots mineral water can ease constipation because it eases digestive organs to process the food we eat. Obviously, drinking lots mineral water prevent from multiple-organs failure. Indeed, drinking mineral water cannot be avoided by usas it brings a lot beneficial for us.
            So, how much water should we drink per a day?. Everyone will wonder of how much mineral water we should drink after knowing the importance of drinking mineral water. According to “Klinik Dokter Kita”, mineral water we consumed is according with our weight. It is about 2/3 or about 60%-70% from our weight. It is also affected by how many activities we do in a day. Suppose we have lot activities such as doing sports so we should drink mineral water as much as possible to renew the water that is ejected from sweating in order to prevent from dehydration. Drinking lots mineral water will not make you hangover. Our body has a fairly efficient mechanism to process mineral water in our body. So, no need to worry of drinking lots of mineral water.
            All in all, drinking mineral water helps our body to work well. It becomes the fuel for our body organs such as brain, blood circulation, and kidney. Drinking mineral water fulfill your daily need of mineral compound such as calcium and magnesium which are good for our bones and support our body to work well. In addition, consuming mineral water appropriates with our need is required. It renews the water we ejected through sweating, breathing, and ruining. Also, drinking lots mineral water becomes the good start to start your healthy life, indeed.

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