Monday, May 11, 2015

Using Electronic-book as Media in Learning Activity for Children

            The educational theorist, Bill Cope, suggests a broad definition of the term ‘‘book’’: A book is no longer a physical thing. A book is what a book dos. A book in this definition does not have to be printed. It can be rendered in many ways, including electronic-visual and audio (talking books). A book [is] not a thing. It is a textual form, a way of communicating. A book is not a product. It is architecture information (Cope, 2001). In other words, book is not only in printed one as its visual look, book also performed as digital or file that contains information and knowledge. Electronic-book (henceforth E-book) is one of many media that used for learning activity and enjoyment. We can use e-book as media for learning which contained interesting picture, illustration and games to attract the children.
For decades, picture book authors, illustrators, designers, editors and publishers have combined their skills to present refined combinations of interactive features and media-rich designs (Sargeant, 2015). The new media will be useful for children’s leaning activity as the starter and introduction of learning which contains visuals, audio and the interaction design. Children have the expectation that digital content will be responsive, that it will enable them to actively participate in digital storytelling experiences. Interactivity, according to game design theorists, Katie Salen and Eric Zimmerman (2004), is the process of action and outcome. With a e-book, the learning activity of children will be more effective and interactive. Smeets (2012) notes that these kinds of interactive book app features are not only likely to entertain users and therefore increase children’s motivation, but may also promote a play-mode rather than stimulate children to read the entire story.
EBooks have so many benefits for the users and there are a more level playing field. It is actually easier to hold the tablet or eReader than it is to hold a large paperback and keep it open at the right page. Full-page zoom allows the reader to zoom into the page to see image detail better or interact with smaller enhanced elements. Single-page view, zooming allows readers to view only one page at a time instead of the standard two page spread. Orientation rotation readers are also able to rotate the orientation of the book to landscape or portrait. Embedded media contains fixed layout files are regularly enhanced with video and audio content. Furthermore, there are some really great options for animations and interactivity. iBooks also allows users to make the text change color in time with the narration
In summary, the central components of a book app are the written text, visuals, audio and the interaction design. Designers can use animated imagery and interactivity as a means of attracting users’ attention digital picture books are not only becoming increasingly popular, but also easier to access. Interactive book app features are not only likely to entertain users and therefore increase children’s motivation in learning.


Argumentative Writing Task 4                                                                 INDRIANI DWI PUTRI
Academic Discussion                                                                                130221612295

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