Monday, May 11, 2015

Minimizing Negative Effects of Using Media Social by Controlling The Internet Access

             Social networking has become a norm in our society, with websites like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and many more holding a unique and vital role in our daily lives (Koikai, 2013). People tend to use their media social to hold a better contact with their friends and family. They also can establish advertisements or new product with new people. That is why people cannot stand a day without checking media social as a new part of their lives. Without a doubt, social media has contributed many positive things in our lives. However, we have to realize that media social also has many negative effects through our lives. We can minimize this impact by controlling the internet access by limiting the inappropriate needed.
Social networking helps us to connect with new people. It has also impact how people make friends these days. Instead of meeting face-to-face, people nowadays are happy to interact through comments, or even chat with multiple people simultaneously in media social. Moreover, there are those who instead of sharing their thoughts and problems with their ‘real’ friends, spend endless time chatting over the internet (Koikai, 2013). On the other way, a social networking addict could be considered someone who uses social media excessively to a point where it interferes with other daily activities. Such as constantly checking Facebook status updates or “stalking” people’s profiles on Facebook, for hours on end (Koikai, 2013). A research team headed by Wilhelm Hoffmann of Chicago University concluded in 2012 that twitter is harder to resist than cigarettes and alcohol. The results showed that with each day the ‘self-control’ dropped continuously and concluded that between social media, cigarettes and alcohol, the ‘self-control-failure’ rate was highest with social media. Other researchers have also linked anxiety, sleep deprivation, depression and some psychological disorders to people who spend too much time online.
Another negative effect of social media is cyber bullying. A majority of kids, teens and even adults will experience cyber bullying in one form or another. On social networking sites people can post whatever they want without facing any serious consequences. Much of this information shared is often untrue and rarely controlled by the social media sites. Such rumors can spread rapidly and often cause many people to gang up and attack one person. A very good example is the Instagram incident that sparked riots and rage among teens in Sweden 2012. Social Media has given people a new platform to post hateful comments and even threats. Discussions on some social sites can at times turn nasty, and in some cases journalists, writers have been victimized and threatened due to their different views in controversial topics (Koikai, 2013). On the other way, using social media as a way of communication will lead us to have a wide social network and good relationship with another people in another country.
In conclusion,   social media has contributed many positive things in our lives. However, we have to realize that media social also has many negative effects through our lives. Social networking helps us to connect with new people, it has also impact how people make friends these days. They can interact through comments, or even chat with multiple people simultaneously in media social. On the other way, a social networking addict could be considered someone who uses social media excessively to a point where it interferes with other daily activities such as “stalking” people’s profiles on Facebook. We can minimize this impact by controlling the internet access by limiting the inappropriate needed.

Koikai, Elizabeth. 2013. Negative Impacts of Social Media.

Argumentative Writing Task 3                                                                       INDRIANI DWI PUTRI
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