Sunday, May 10, 2015

All about Permissive Parenting Styles

            Parenting style is the way parents educate their children in order to acquire values and norms from their surrounding. There are two major types of parenting style in our society. They are Authoritarian Parents Style which is typically practiced in China and the East; and Permissive Parents style that is typically practiced in the west (the Saturday Essay by Amy Chua). Eastern people tend to be stricter in educating their children. They expect their children to act according to the prevail manner. On the other hand, western people are giving more liberation in educating their children. They also have their own opinion about the peculiarity of being permissive parents. People are still arguing whether the Authoritarian or Permissive Parents is the best. From the issue above, I would like to explain about the positive and minor sides of being permissive parents in terms of children mentality development and relationship among children and their parents.
            The first positive sides of being permissive parents in terms of children mentality development is that children who are raised by permissive parents enjoy their freedom and feel more responsible than those who do not. Children are group of under aged person which are basically feel like to be uncontrolled. Permissive parents let their children choose their own decision; as the result they become to take more responsibility than the others. By giving liberation to them, they will feel that they have to choose their own way and because of that they also realize that they are the one who can bring the happiness and sadness for their own life. It makes them trying so hard to be the best in achieving their life’s goal. The second positive sides of being permissive parents in terms of children mentality development is that children who are grown up in permissive parenting culture have the ability of creative and innovative thinking says Amy Chua, the author of book about parenting style, in Saturday Essay. Permissive parents never forced their idea about something to their children. They only say that something is bad and later on they allow their children to draw the conclusion about something told to them. For example the stereotype opinion of my society is that a girl should not be outside home at very late night but my parents have never told me that I have to be at home at no more than 10 pm. However I think that it must be a reason why I should act like what people in my society say. In order to be good, I have to be tough in acquiring values and norms from my society. The third positive sides of being children who are raised by permissive parents is that children and parents relationship in permissive parenting style is more like a friend than parents. Permissive parents are communicative because they often share their opinion with their children says Kendra Cherry, a psychology expert. Communicating is essential in the relationship, thus parents and children communication in the permissive parenting types is the cause why they have such a good-close relationship. In permissive parenting, parents do not keep the problem or issue by themselves yet they communicate and let their children to decide.
            Asides from the positive sides, permissive parenting also has minor sides. There are three minor sides of permissive parenting style in terms of children mentality development and relationship among children and their parents. The first minor side is that children who are raised by permissive parents tend to be an unruly person. According to Diana Baumrind, the psychologist of pre-school children, the parents in permissive parenting have inconsistent rules in educating their children. Very often do they have very few rules or standard behavior that obtained in the society she continues. This phenomena also happens in my family, as a child who is raised in permissive parenting culture, my parents only give the vivid boundary to be submissive. Some times I acknowledge that I feel perplexed to make a forward step in order to fulfill society’s indictment. I also have to think by myself whether to follow this or that rule. It makes me choose whatever which I wanted to that is how my habit effects my personality which is dislike to be under controlled. Baumrind also continues to say that the second minor side of permissive parenting style is that children who are raised in permissive parenting have poor social skill. Children who are raised in permissive parenting are never worried too much about how people think about them. That is why they prefer to demand on themselves rather than to depend on the others. They have a good ability to think, as the result they think that it is better to them to exploit their own skill. They also feel that they do not need someone aids to lead their own life. That is the reason why children in permissive parenting culture choose to be more involved in their own opinion rather than to communicate it with others. The last minor sides of permissive parenting is that children raised in that styles feel that they lack of affection rather than those in another style. As the parents give a total authority to them they forget to take an attention to their children. They feel like they have done anything to their children’s benevolence but in fact they do not “Many children feel ignored by their parents because they seem to do not want to know anything that their children do” said Emmy Daniels the author of the Pros and Cons of Permissive Parenting. As I have grown up in permissive parenting, I do feel this kind of thing. Some times when I am feeling down I think that my parents do not love me and they also do not want to know what happens to me; yet as I grow older I began to realize that it is the way they educate me, so I must accept it as my fate.
            There are three positive sides of permissive parenting style. The first children have their own liberation, they have ability to think creatively, and more importantly they have a close relationship with their parents. Besides there are also the disadvantages of growing in permissive parenting cultures. The first is that they tend to be an unruly person then they also lack of affection. From the explanation above it is clear enough that permissive parenting style has its own advantages and disadvantages. Everything is based on our sight whether to judge that permissive parenting style is good or bad. Nevertheless the explanation above gives a distinct portrayal about the positive and major sides of being permissive parents.

            LAILY ISNA NUR CAHYANI/ 130222614321

Public Discussion

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