Monday, May 11, 2015

We Should Do More Recycling

We should do more recycle because it helps environment recovering itself from the damages of garbage. Doing the recycle also helps the environment becomes a better place to live for the humans and other creatures. Tim Lenton and Andrew Watson (2011) have developed a new vision of the future that could safeguard the Earth and its species, and addresses the issues of a growing global population, human consumption, energy supply, climate change and pollution; it is recycling.
Habituating the recycle for the citizen is not easy because the citizens are busy people and mostly they are prefer to buy the new things than recycling it because it is efficient to do. It is more difficult to do if the government does not barge in it. Through the government’s rules recycling can be easier to spread because government has the power to hold the movement. M.B. Nirmal, chairman of Exnora International (2011) says that the government should also focus on recycling the garbage. We cannot stop the public from generating garbage. So, they should focus more on how to recycle most of them.
Recycling is an action that can helps the environment survival from the damages of garbage in many ways. If we do recycling we can decrease the use of plastic, and glasses. Moreover, we can save our money without buy the things that we can recycle. Prof Lenton, professor in Earth system science (2011) says that we need to maximise recycling of all the materials we use to build and grow things, which together with the appropriate energy source is the secret for a sustainable future with a relatively high population.
While it can be said that not all people agree recycling is good to save the earth, it remains a fact that some material such as plastic bottle cannot be used twice because the chemical unsure on it is dangerous from humans. The case is recycling is good for environment. Rolf Halden, associate professor in the School of Sustainable Engineering at Arizona State University and assistant director of Environmental Biotechnology at the Biodesign Institute (2010) has undertaken a survey of existing scientific literature concerning the hazards of plastics to human health and to the ecosystems we depend on. His findingsthe material’s longevity, plastics pile up in landfills and are occupying the world’s oceans in increasing quantity.  It is not enough to say that one kind of dangerous plastic is preventing people to do recycling.


Aprilia Eva Winanta/130222614326
Academic Argumentative Writing (Toulmin Model Task 8)

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