Project Essay
of Knowledge by Learning English as second language since Children
St. Mufarrohah
In several countries, learning
English is one of the compulsory subjects that are taught in school since it
becomes as the international language. Studies showed that there are 14
countries or regions in most areas of Europe, have been applied English as a
required language in all educational levels. European Commission data (2009)
showed some courses which are taught by using English language are around 76.4%.
The issue is some people think that being able in two languages will influence
our ability in language, especially when it gives since children. Rheman (2010)
said if kids are in touch with the language since they were born, they may
start speaking three to six months later, hard to communicate, and others. However,
it is not totally right. Children should learn another language, especially
English because it brings some advantages. Researchers in El Salvador showed
that “The English language becomes one of the strongest tools to grow in areas
such as cultural, personal, professional, and academic contexts in order to
succeed in whichever human activity within this globalize world.”
The first, learning English guides
children to enhance cultural understanding because children are exposed to
other cultures. Knowing to speak in another language means we become being
bilingual. Yamamoto (2001) said that bilingualism is useful to cross cultural
understanding. It is because the system of bilingual education may be the best
way to improve students’ communicative competence. It aims to teach the using
of language and to enable students to learn another system of cultures and way
of thinking (Feng:2007). Language becomes the door to introduce those cultures
and the using English as the tool will help us in understanding when we want to
know its information. It is better if we try to teach English since young ages.
Curtain & Dahlberg (2004) said that children before age ten are in the
process of receiving information eagerly. Besides, “The age of ten is a crucial
time in the development of attitudes toward nations and groups perceived as
‘other’ according to the research of Piaget, Lambert and others.”
The second, learning English
increases the career opportunities for children when they are grown up as an
adult. Carreira & Armengol (2001) said students of foreign languages may
have better career opportunities. It is because they have more knowledge than
people who only can speak just one language. By knowing how to communicate with
other people who did not have the same language, they can get some
acquaintances which means open the opportunity to get some experience. Besides,
by learning another language, we will beyond the intellectual benefits,
knowledge of a foreign language facilitates travel, enhances career
opportunities, and enables one to learn more about different peoples and
cultures because we improves our communication and problem-solving skills
(National Research Council 2007). For example, in a survey of 581 alumni of The
American Graduate School of International Management in Glendale, Arizona, most
respondents said they had raised a competitive advantage from their knowledge
of foreign languages and other cultures. Besides, it becomes a critical factor
in hiring decisions and in improving their career paths. It also provided
personal fulfillment, mental discipline, and cultural enlightenment (Grosse 2004).
The third, studying
English language gives children the understanding and security in community and
society. Curtain & Pesola (1988)
said the ages between four and eight are the period when people and society are
forming the attitudes. Learning a language at a young age helps connect a child
with society because they are still open-minded and have not yet start to
restrict their views of others. Bialystok (2004) stated the benefits of foreign
language study last throughout one’s lifetime because it may help break off
age-related mental decline. Researchers have compared monolingual to bilingual
adults in a test of cognitive function, and bilingualism showed a better result.
It is because both of the first and the second language influence on the
function of one another. In addition, the example of the benefits to society
are shown by Americans which are fluent in other languages can improve global
communication, increase our economic competitiveness abroad, and maintain our
political and security interests (Center for Applied Linguistics 2004).
people may say that giving English language since children could limit the
number of words that they can learn. However, it is absolutely absurd. Curtain & Dahlberg (2004) said children can learn many
languages as they can manage them systematically at the same time. It is
because they have the capacity in their brain which can ripe to do that.
Because of this reasons, children who are exposed to a foreign language at a
young age achieve many benefits when they learn some languages (Bialystok &
Hakuta 1994; Fuchsen 1989), especially English language. For example, “Children
who are competent in more than one language consistently outscore monolinguals
on tests of verbal and nonverbal intelligence” (Bruck, Lambert, Tucker 1974,
Hakuta 1986, Weatherford 1986). Besides, they can show greater cognitive
flexibility, better problem solving and higher order thinking skills (Hakuta
1986), and have better listening skills (Ratte 1968).
Other people may state that children
who start learning a new language can cause them to be confused in using the
language. But, it is totally nonsense. When they are four years, they will
learn to speak at least 2000 basic words. It is because every child is born
with 100 billion brain cells, and it makes connection each other (Buzan 1984).
They have the best time which is known as “golden period.” It is the important
time to baby’s brain development in areas of language, memory, hearing and
vision. It is around the age of three to four years. In this period children
can easily learn the languages that are taught by their parents. The result, it
influences children’s ability language achievements. Mavrogenes (1979) said
student who are learn a second language in elementary school are better in
reading and language arts tests. “Early second language study promotes
achievement in English vocabulary and reading skills” (Masciantonio 1977). It
is because they know the knowledge of English structure and vocabulary (Curtain
& Dahlberg, 2004). For example, Students who started kindergarten in the
first Kansas City foreign language in 1988 got better improvements in all
subjects by the time they reached fifth grade. These foreign language students
performed especially in mathematics (Eaton 1994).
On another side, people may say that
bilingual kids will have double efforts in understanding the material books in
learning process because they need to understand the other language too.
However, this idea is absurd. Learning English as second language gives benefits academic progress. “There’s
a high positive correlation between foreign language study and improved reading
scores for children of average and below average intelligence” (Garfinkel &
Tabor 1991). Besides, Lapkin (1990) said that foreign language learners have
better listening skills and sharper memories than their monolingual peers. When
children know a new word, they will seek out the rules which can make stronger
their logic. Of course they need to understand those languages, but it does not
mean it give bad impact. It works the opposite. They need to focus which then
help them in building concentration skills while switching from one language to
another (Armstrong & Rogers 1997). This fact shows that learning
English and other languages are not bad. A study of 13,200 third and fifth graders in Louisiana public schools showed
“Regardless of race, gender, or academic level, children taking foreign
language classes did better on the English section of the Louisiana Basic Skills
Test than those who did not” (Dumas 1999).
To conclude, learning a foreign
language is not all difficulties. Children who learn another language since
young ages brings advantages not only at the moment they are learning the
language, but also when they grow up. They can get better cognitive flexibility
that result in better skill; give the
career opportunities for them when they are adult; and get the understanding view of security
in community and society. Children should learn English as second
language because it is worth and important to guaranty children a better future.
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