Monday, May 11, 2015

Enlarging the Number of Standard Public Transportation in Kediri

Kediri is a small city in East Java which nowadays has a problem relate to the traffic jam and air pollution. Even though Kediri is a small city, the number of private transportation is high and the main road is not big enough to take in all. It makes the traffic jam and air pollution in Kediri get worst every day. Public transportations can be an effective solution to those problems because it can carry many people than the private one. But, the citizens of Kediri cannot just depend on it because the number of standard public transportations in Kediri is still low. There are only several standard public transportations which are operating well in Kediri. It does not fulfill the requirement of standard public transportations. Therefore, the government of Kediri should enlarge the number of standard public transportations.
The government of Kediri needs to enlarge the number of public transportation in Kediri. It is not only increasing the items, but also increasing its quality. It is necessary to consider the quality because the high number of items are useless if the quality are bad. For example, the government of Kediri increases the number of public transportations until 20 items, but all of those items are old and do not fulfill the standard safety of the public transportations like safety belt for the passengers. It makes the people do not use it because the transportations are not comfortable and unsecure. The government cannot just increase the number of items without notice on its quality. There are some reasons why enlarging the number of standard public transportations in Kediri is necessary. It is necessary to do because it will decrease the traffic jam, decrease the air pollution, and increase the driver welfare.
People may state that enlarging the number of standard public transportations is no use in order to solve the traffic jam and air pollution. They can say that it will make the traffic jam and the air pollution in Kediri gets worst. But, the idea is non-sense at all. Contrary to the idea, enlarging the number of standard public transportations makes the citizens of Kediri tend to use it because the safety and the effectiveness of public transportations are good. That awareness will give the road more space and the environment has time to breathe and recover from the air pollution.
Then, people may say about the safety of public transportations is doubtful. But, this is wrong. It is surely secure to use the standard public transportations because the government of Kediri only enlarges the standard vehicles for the public transportations. It means that the government only allows the public transportations which have the good standard safety to operate in the city.
They also say that public transportations always come late and need high payment for the transportations’ bill. But, all those ideas are non-sense. The high number of standard public transportations does not come late anymore because the other public transportations will come soon if the first one had left. There is no high payment because the cost of the public transportation is decided by the government of Kediri. It means that the drivers cannot determine the payment of their service by themselves because the government has already decided.
            In conclusion, Kediri is a small city which does not have enough public transportations but the private transportation number is high. It makes Kediri facing serious problem like bad traffic jam and air pollution. Enlarging the number of standard public transportation can solve those problems. Hence, the government should enlarge the number of standard public transportation in Kediri.

Aprilia Eva Winanta/130222614326
(Public Writing Task 6 Type 2)

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