Monday, May 11, 2015

Let’s Be a Great Journalist by Joining LPM Siar

In the State University of Malang (UM) there exists a campus journalism organization named Lembaga Pers Mahasiswa Siar or well-known as LPM Siar. LPM Siar is a branch department of Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Penulis (UKMP) or the campus writer organization in UM. By joining LPM Siar you will get some advantages such as having many new friends, getting wide knowledge, and being a great journalist.
The first advantage joining LPM Siar is you have many friends. It possibly happens because the members of LPM Siar are 60 members. The members include active members from all faculties in UM such as Faculty of Letter, Educational Faculty, Economical Faculty and the alumni. You can meet them in the LPM Siar’s agendas like Diskusi Nusantara. Here, you can communicate with them, exchange opinion, and discuss hot issue. It can build your huge connection and friendship with those good, talented, and smart people.
The second advantage joining LPM Siar is you get wide new knowledge about journalism and society issue. Even though LPM Siar is journalism organization, its activities are not only about the journalist knowledge and issues inside UM, but also discussing about the issues around the world such as environment interest and government performance. For example, LPM Siar is discussing about the global warming issue and writes the issue in the bulletin. By joining this kind of discussion and sharing knowledge in LPM Siar, you will get wider knowledge of the issue in the world.
The last advantage is you will be a great journalist. LPM Siar has some programs and activities that provide you become a good journalist. Those activities are distinguished in two types; inside and outside activities. Discussion, apprentice, and editorial are belong to inside activities. Meanwhile, news hunting, social analysis, and photography are belonging to outside activities. When the freshmen are joining with LPM Siar, they will do apprentice. In the apprentice activity, they will be guided by a mentor to learn basic knowledge of journalism ethical code, analyzing an issue that potentially becomes a news report. In the discussion activity you will discuss about actual issue and many more. At last in the editorial activity the members will be guided to write news and published in “Buletin Siar”.
Then, the second activity type is the outdoor activities. The outdoor activities provide you how to get the data before you write and publish news report. It starts with news hunting by interviewing some informant and colleting additional data. It is the most important things to do because without those data, a journalist cannot write good news. But, some freshmen sometimes get trouble with confidence in this activity. Because of the problem, LPM Siar provides the mentors to teach those people how to get the data correctly. Social analysis data helps you to recognizing the problems that happens in the society and finding its solution. Then, the problem you have found and the solution that can fix it will be published in the “Buletin Siar”. The photography activity provides you how to use mobile phone camera to capture the journalistic photograph.  
Let me sum up the whole advantages that you can get from joining LPM Siar. Firstly, you will get many friends. Secondly, you will get wider knowledge about the journalism and social issues. The last advantage is you will be a great journalist person. So, what do you waiting for? Let’s to be a great journalist by joining LPM Siar.

Aprilia Eva Winanta/130222614326
(Public Persuasive Task 1)

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