Sex education is an education about human
sexual anatomy, sexual reproduction, sexual intercourse, and other aspects of
human sexual behavior. People think that sex education is not important because
it is not important and often be misinterpreted. But, I think sex education is
necessary and essential because it can prevent teen pregnancy, can prevent teen
from diseases through having sex, and also can answer their question about
Below are the reasons why sex education is necessary
and essential. First, because it can prevent teen pregnancy and also prevent
them from disease through having sex. An article
in the "American Journal of Nursing" reported that sex education can
decrease teen’s interest to get pregnant or impregnate their partner by 60
percent. Teaching sex education to children can help them to understand the
impact of sex by showing diseases through having sex like syphilis,
gonorrhea, chlamydia, etc. Second, because it can answer their questions about
puberty by showing the students the puberty progress such as their changing
body and their rising hormone. It can keep their desire to explore things for themselves in
An article published
in "Time" magazine, 86 percent of girls and 88 percent of boys who
did not receive sex education had sex for the first time before the age of 20. It is better to
teach them about sex education than letting them use other resources such as
pornographic and internet which might be misleading them.
there are some people who disagree about sex education. First, it because they
think that sex education is not really important. It is not important because they
think that children will learn about sex naturally. In addition, if sex
education is not taught properly, it will change the children’s mind into
ignorant adult. It because of children’s mind which is impressionable at an
early age. Second, it because of sex education often be misinterpreted. It can
make the children solve their curious by practicing what they learn in sex
education by their selves. They will make it as a reason to do it as practice
to support them in understanding about this lesson.
Sex education is necessary and important
because it can prevent teen pregnancy, can prevent teen from diseases through
having sex, and also can answer their question about puberty. However, we
should be careful in teaching children about sex education. It is because if sex education
is not taught properly, it will be
misinterpreted by them.
By: Muhammad
Ruby Ernawa
Public Discussion
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