Monday, May 11, 2015

Limiting Ownership of Vehicles

            Nowadays, Indonesian people use more private cars which cause heavy traffic jam and air pollution. Some researchers from Union of Concerned Scientists Science for a Healthy Planet and Safer World stated that in 2013, transportation contributed more than half of carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide, and almost a quarter of the hydrocarbons emitted into our air. This problem happens especially at the big cities such as Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, and others. If this problem continually happens, not only the number of traffic jam will increase, but also the degree of air pollution. There are some options to solve this problem, one of which is by limiting ownership of vehicles. However this option have possitive and negative impacts for our society. Here are various impacts of limiting ownership of vehicle that may occur.
            Limiting ownership of vehicles can reduce traffic jam. An imbalance condition of transportation among society and government in Indonesia become a prior problems. The imbalanced condition comes from among society and the governments, one of which is people faith. Take for an example is giving each family’s member at least one private transportation to help them reach their destination everyday. This willingness is not supported with the public facilities like traffic light and good road condition. This problem may cause another complex impact such as air polution, and trafic jam. By limting ownership of vehicle can give positive effect one of which is reducing one of the complex problem that common happen in Indonesia, trafic jam. Therefore, limiting ownership of vehicle also can give negative effect. Take an example at economic aspect by limiting ownership of vehicle, the vehicle company will lose their profit because less people will buy their product. This case may also affect to another problem. While a company lose the profit, they have to run their bussiness well, they will reduce a nuber of worker by doing termination.
            Moreover, limiting ownership of vehicles will cause public tranportation problem, e.g. offend people mobility especially for those who used to use privat car, effectiveness of going to other place and etc. Explotion of public transportation consumer make a public transportation owner increase the expense. It may complicate the consumer, they prohibited to not use private car but they have to deal with high expense if they want to go somewhere by public transportation. Take for an example someone usually have to pay cost three thousand rupiahs for short-distance, but when consumer explotion happen because number of consumer are to many than number of public transportion, the owner decide to collect much money by giving cost five thousand rupiahs for short-distance. This may make the consumer feel discriminate by the condition. Nevertheless, limiting vehicle’s owner can reduce air pollution. As we know now on, the temperature of the world are rising, and one of the causes is carbon monoxide as a product of vehicle behaviour to burn the fuel. As an example is if the number of vehicle are rising so do the number of the temperature. By limiting number of vehicle’s ownership we also reduce the number of vehicles, so it will help to cancel rising of world temperature.
            To sum-up all the phenomena of limiting ownership of vecihles we can conclude if it always has positive and negative impacts. It also happens at limiting  ownership of vecihle. Limiting ownership of vechicles is not only have positive impacts like it help to reduce traffic jam and air pollution, but also it have negative impact like lose profit of vehicle company and increase of public transportation cost. However, it depends on each person wether they choose to agree with limiting ownership of vehicle no matter they have to deal with the negative impact, or just keep continue to not agree with limiting ownership of vehicle statement.   

References :
Dirty Cars,Dirty Air. Acces at March 4th 2015. Union of Concerned Scientists Science for a Healthy Planet and Safer World.

Azalia Illahi Hidayat Putri
Task 3: Individual Public Discussion

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