The following is a list of
instructional activities appropriate for use with laptops and Tablet PCs.
Although listed as in-class and out-of-class activities, many of the strategies
overlap and can be used in either environment. As with all instructional
technologies, laptops, tablets, and smart phones can enhance teaching by helping
achieve specific learning outcomes within your course.
The first is student collaboration. Various teaching and learning strategies
can be used promote critical thinking and collaboration among students.
Facilitate problem-based learning and team-based learning by having students
integrate laptops as devices for research, communication, and development.
Working together using computer-based resources, discussion boards, email, and
synchronous chat rooms, students can identify issues, share ideas and propose
solutions to authentic problems.
The second is student basements. Use
laptops after lectures and discussions to assess students’ comprehension of
materials. Administer low-stakes quizzes and anonymous surveys through
Blackboard’s assessment tools. Quizzes are automatically graded and results
posted in the course grade book. Keep students on track by providing instant
feedback and guidance, even in large classes. Challenge students to identify
and post key concepts from the lecture on the course discussion board.
Classmates can review and comment.
The third is debates. Divide students
into teams. Introduce controversial course topics that can be debated using the
discussion board. Various groups can be established and assigned specific
tasks, such as researching ideas, organizing information, writing opening
arguments, and providing summaries.
The fourth is peer reviews and editing.
Students exchange files and papers, and then use word processing software (or
some other kind) to evaluate and critique their classmates’ work. Using track
changes, students have the opportunity to provide detailed feedback to peers.
Papers and comments can be posted on the discussion board or emailed directly
between students. Students learn to give and receive constructive criticism,
and can update their work accordingly.
The fifth is development of computer
based project. Using software, including freeware and shareware appropriate to
the discipline, students design and develop projects that can be delivered and
evaluated on the computer. Allow learners to utilize existing skills and build
valuable new ones, while interacting with course content on a deeper level.
So, in developing of technology can
make learning and teaching process easier. Especially, it is using laptop during learning and
teaching process. We can use technology wisely because it can make many
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