For the recent years, National Examination (or commonly
known as UN—Ujian Nasional) has become one of mostly discussed issues in the
realm of education. The conduction itself has raised some pros and cons among
the government, educators, and students. Some people think that UN is the best way to improve
human quality resources in Indonesia, while others debate on its unfair
drawbacks (e.g. corruption). It is unfair to judge UN from the surface only; therefore, here are some positive effects
which are: UN as an
effective means to measure national students’ competence and to set up national
parameter, and also as a guide for the government to make follow-up programs;
and the negative effects of UN which
are: UN cannot be an absolute way to
measure students’ capability and UN triggers
students to only focus on the courses that are being examined.
The first advantage of
having National Examination or UN
(Ujian Nasional) is because it is the most feasible means to
measure the national standard of Indonesian students’ competence. The positive
effect of conducting exam on national scale simultaneously in four-day period,
is that the government, or Ministry of Education specifically, can assess the
students’ level of competence equally. Then consequently, after knowing the
results of the exam, the government can define and set up the national
parameter of students’ competence through passing grade depending whether it is
still substandard, or it has exceeded the expectation. If the parameter is defined
still considerably low, the government can establish some follow-up programs
that later will develop students’ competence, as well as to improve education
system and human resources quality in Indonesia in the near future.
Aside from the
positive sides of conducting national exam, there are also several negative
sides that come from UN.
National exam can not be an absolute measurement of students’ capability since
it determines their three years studying progress only by four-days period.
Sulistyo (2009) stated that UN can
also trigger students to only focus on the courses that are being examined and
abandon others although they are potentially capable of excelling in it. For
example students who are fond of art e.g. drawing, painting, dancing, etc.,
forced to learn natural science objects such as physics, chemistry, and
biology; or social science objects such as economy, geography, etc. There is no
chance for them to excel in their area of expertise due to demand of passing
the UN or in other
words, UN has subtly
seized the students’ right.
To sum up, there are some
positive and negative effects of conducting UN in Indonesia. UN
is supposedly to be a means to improve human resources in Indonesia,
or in this case is students; however, in the process, there are some negative
drawbacks occur, making UN is
not an effective way as the government expected to be. Therefore, instead of
making UN as the only absolute
way to measure national students’ competence, government should involve schools
and teachers to work together in order to assess students’ competence by having
school final tests and the progress of the study as one of the considerations
of students’ graduation. The goverment must also reconsider many things such as
the subjects examined and the assessment process outside the UN subjects to make UN work effectively.
GUNadi Harry. 2009. English as a Measurement Standard in the National
Examination: Some Grassroots’ Voice. State UNiversity of Malang: TEFLIN
Journal Volume 20, Number 1.
By : Annisa Lista
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