Monday, May 11, 2015

Early Learning of English: Should or Should Not?

English is an international language. People all over the world consider English as the main language that they have to master in order to survive this modern era in which English is used everywhere and every time. It is proven by the number of English speaker, which trails in the third place (approximately 335 million speakers) after Chinese and Spanish according to Etyhnologue, 2014. This fact probably encourages non-English speaking countries’ people, including Indonesian, to learn English and make English as their second language. Learning English for Indonesian is no longer becoming a rare sight since it has been taught in elementary, junior high and also senior high school. There are also many English courses spread all over the country i.e.; English First and The British Institution. Yet, surprisingly, the participant of English learner is not limited to students and adults, even early aged children who have not entered school yet are given English by their parents. It seems that parents start to load their children with English to face the future. However, there are pros and cons emerge facing this issue; those who agree mention that it is important to survive in the globalization era and to develop children’s characteristic and those who do not agree state that it may cause bilingualism and diminishment of national and local languages for non-English speaking countries.
                        The ones who agree with this issue stated that early learning of English is important as children’s preparation to face globalization and as a media for children characteristic development. Globalization increased economic, cultural, environmental, and social independencies and new transnational financial and political formations arising out of the mobility of capital, labor and information with both homogenizing and differentiating tendencies (Blackmore 2000, p.133). In other words, one of the implications of globalization itself is the closer relationship of many aspects among countries around the world. English, as an international language, becomes the bridge that connects them in the real time or even with the help of technology. In conclusion, the capability to master English well is really important on this occasion. If we have been well-prepared with English since early-age, it will not be a big deal to be the survivor in globalization era. Eric H. Lennenberg, neurologist, said that early age is the best time to learn the second language since our brain is still developing and flexible so that we can easily absorb new language naturally from our environment without even trying hard to acquire it. Thus, if we are already expert in English even when we are still children, it will be so much easier to face the globalization era. Another argument agreed with this issue is to build up children’s characteristic. Learning second language, in this case English is so helpful for children mental development. Brown (1994:135-21152) reviewed some factors related to affective factor in learning language, which are; self-esteem, inhibition, risk-taking, anxiety, empathy, extroversion and motivation. Children who learn the second language have higher self-esteem than the ones who do not because they are able to express themselves well. Besides self-esteem, children can also build their curiosity and try to find the answer of new things that they learn from the second language. For instance, an elementary student who has been taught English since he was a baby, will more likely to perform better at school because he feel so confident that he can be good at something that his friends do not.
                        However, there are also some cons opinions facing this issue, it causes children to possess bilingualism and causes diminishment of national and local languages for non-English speaking countries. When children are taught English in their early age, it is so possible that they absorb some words in their mother tongue and some in English. As they grow up, they will tend to mix both words when they speak or write. It means that they cannot master both languages well. Their capability in mother tongue and second language is so limited so that they choose to mix them both to communicate. When they do not know what it is called in English, they will say it in their mother tongue, and it also happens in reverse. An example related to this issue; an Indonesian girl who was born and lives in New York were given Bahasa Indonesia as her mother tongue from her parents. Due to their environment, their parents also have to teach her English in order to be able to survive there. As she grows up, sometimes she still gets confused about the language that she has to use. She does not know how to speak in English properly and find it difficult to talk with her friends. The other argument that does not agree with this issue stated that it can diminish national and local language. Undang Undang Dasar 1945 verse 36 stated that Bahasa Indonesia is Indonesia’s national language. Undang Undang Dasar 1945 verse 32 also stated that Indonesia appreciate and protect local languages as a national heritage. From those two norms, we can conclude that it is really important to protect our national and local languages as our nation’s identity, yet the presence of second language has a high potential to scrape our nationalism believe. For instance, a child who has been taught English since early age, can get really confuse about which language that he/she has to consider as his/her main language. It is so possible for him/her to love English more than Bahasa Indonesia since he realizes that he/she is the only one among his friends who can speak English well and he finds it cool. He/she will more likely put aside his national language and choose get deeper in mastering his English instead. If this keeps on happening to other children all over the country, it seems that it is the apocalypse of our national language.
                        In a nutshell, there are some people who agree with the idea of early learning of English and some who do not. Both sides have their own reason and prove that strengthen their opinion. The agreed side says that it is important to survive in the globalization era and to develop children’s characteristic, and the disagreed one says that it can cause bilingualism and diminishment of national and local languages. It now depends on you which one that you think is better, whether you are on the agreed or disagreed side.


Undang Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia 1945.
(Public Discussion)

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