Sunday, May 10, 2015

School Uniforms Should Be Required

              Should school uniforms be required? The wearing of uniform in schools is a controversial topic in our society, and is constantly undergoing debate. Some parents and educators say that uniforms help students focus on academics instead of fashion. Some people also say that wearing school uniform would save parents' money, as there would not be competition between students for the trendiest clothes (which also raises social problems). But on the other hand, others believe that children should have the freedom to choose what they wear to school. Children need their own clothes anyway; to wear on weekends and when they go out with their friends, and school uniform is often very expensive. Yet, the main social con that emerges from wearing own clothes to school is bullying that may occur due to one person's fashion sense not being up to scratch. One might argue that people are going to wear their own clothes, eg: on mufti days and school trips, and so bullying for fashion would take place anyway.
We should implement uniform is that it causes less distraction. Sub claim According to Mr James D'Castro, the Principal of Harvard's University confirms that wearing casual outrageous clothing indeed causes more distraction. He says, "School Uniform policy ensures that a student comes to school in appropriate clothing thus, avoiding distractions and wearing revelling clothing. Most students considered college as a fashion show. School Uniform helps to focus on studies and it gives the students a great deal of comfort in wearing school uniform. Recent studies show that eighty five percent of teachers and parents in the BVI said that wearing casual clothing causes great distraction to students and hampered their academic performance. Statistics also claim that 65% of parents have found that their kids are more focused in school after wearing uniforms. Uniforms help discipline to the students. Students currently without a uniform policy may have their individualism, but these same schools have students wearing trench coats and hiding weapons under their clothing so that the students can bringing them into the schools for the sole purpose of hurting other students. Students clothing become stolen because they have a designer label on the shirt or purse. Schools suppose to be a haven for students, not a place where a student has to worry over their property, safety, and his or her grades. Even though students do not express his or her individuality through the student’s attire, uniforms help discipline, and motivation issues.
Discipline issues like classroom management, theft and violence decrease when a uniform policy are in place. Once a school adapts a uniform policy, classroom management issues becomes issues of the past.   Godfrey (2008) illustrates that after two months of possessing uniforms policy installed in the schools; high school officials reported 40 % fewer truancies, 59 % fewer class removals and 37 % fewer cases of inappropriate conduct. By uniforms installed into the classroom, a unity is formed between the students and thus helping the management in the classroom. Wilde (2009), states that uniform policy reduces economic and social barriers between students. When the students unite, there is less chance of theft or violence happening in the schools.
Theft of property decreases when uniforms are in the schools because students are all wearing the same thing. The U.S. Department of Education (1996) website states that uniforms can decrease violence and theft within schools over designer clothing or expensive sneakers; it will also prevent gang members from wearing their colors and insignia while at school.
Some parents and teachers think that letting kids wear what they want is recipe for trouble. Without uniforms, they say, kid will focus on clothes instead of schoolwork. There will be pressure to buy expensive clothes, which many families cannot afford. In addition, it is also a waste of time (as well as money) for teachers and other staff to check that pupils are wearing the appropriate uniform, but on the other hand, it would save the students themselves time every morning if they wore uniform, as they would not have to worry and ponder over what they were going to wear to school. It would also create unnecessary stress upon the students to impress their peers by the clothes they wore. It could even save children their embarrassment if they could not always afford to buy the new fashion fad. Indirectly, the uniforms will teach the students to be discipline to obey school rules. Uniform policy reduces economic and social barriers between students. When the students unite, there is less chance of theft or violence happening in the schools. For these reasons, some people insist that uniforms are necessary.
If we want schools to be successful, feel safe and have a positive appearance and get productive results, schools should require the policy of wearing uniforms. Schools that wear uniforms caused fewer fights; suspension rates and crime rated decreased dramatically. This limits what clothes can be worn such as outrageous clothing, Gang colors and unsuitable wording on clothes. Statistics have shown that after implementing uniform they saw 40% in reduction in suspension, 50% is fewer fights and 10% reduction in crime rates.
By: M.Bintang Arrival
Final Project

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