Having a part time job recently becomes a popular activity
among students. Part time jobs are jobs that require fewer hours than full time
job, in general part time job require 4 up to 6 hours. Part time jobs are
available to do almost everything such as private teacher, barista, waiter, and
so on. There are some reason to do part time job, like it is already their own
will to do that for getting experience and the economic student’s that is not
enough to fulfill their need. Is part time job good for students? And does it
have any bad effects for them? There are some advantages and disadvantages
about having part time job for student.
The main reason why the students demand to have a part
time job is to provide their daily need without burdening their parents
(Bentley & O’Neil, 1989). Above all, students do not have ability to get everything
they want either for education or for their entertainment. Moreover, they tend
to be independent to get something they want by working as a part timer. In
addition, by working as a part timer the students can get new experiences that
might be useful in the future (Nolan & Hagen, 1989). They have strong
possibility to meet various people and get some ways how to talk or communicate
with them; the point is they are becoming extrovert which is easily to mingle
in any social situation.
While, there are also have disadvantages for having a
part time job as a student. The main factor that contributes the negative side
for students is reducing hours the students’ spend for studying and exploring
their hobby or talent (Marsh, 1991). They have to manage the priority time
among their school and job which probably makes the students very tired because
they have to work at once after school. Moreover, it would make student hard to
concentrate in doing their duty as a student. Furthermore, by working as a part
timer they cannot develop their talent due the fact that they have to focus on
the job after school which indeed it does not give much time to think deeply
what potency they have and how to develop it.
In conclusion, having part timer has some advantages
and disadvantages. The student has a right to choose whether they want to have
part time job or focus on their study. Frankly speaking, I stand for getting
part time job as a student because life is not only about around school but
also we have to know the society outside school. However, we have to priority
education as the number one, since education will have a great contribution for
our future.
Nolan, K. & Hagen, R.
(1989) School and Work. A Report into
the Employment Experiences of School Students at Two Melbourne High
Schools. Carlton: Job Watch Inc. http://research.acer.edu.au/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1017&context=lsay_research
Marsh, H. W. (1991) Employment during high school: character
building or a subversion of academic goals. Sociology of Education, 64
(July), 172-189
Bentley, P. & O’Neil,
M. (1984) School participation and labour
force participation of teenagers. In
Kaspura, A. (Ed.) Labour Force Participation in Australia: The Proceedings of a
Conference (pp 135-153)
By: Dinda Maulana
Academic Discussion
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