Friday, May 8, 2015

Say No to Cigarettes

           Cigarettes is a cylinder of paper length between 70 and 120 mm with a diameter of about 10 mm containing tobacco leaves that have been shredded. Cigarette burned at one end and allowed to smolder so that the smoke can be inhaled through the mouth at the other end. The habit of smoking is estimated to start widely known in Indonesia in the early 19th century ago. Fuad Baraja (antismoking activists) in an interactive discussion on the theme "Save Our Environment without Cigarettes" explained that Indonesia is the third largest tobacco consuming country in the world, it was around 240 billion cigarettes per year, or about 650 million cigarettes per day. In addition, smoking also began consumed by children from an early age. "Some time ago, a scene in the media, two-year old child already smokes," said Fuad in this discussion. Each of the individual and people of the world knows that smoking is detrimental to health. It is because it can cause and encourage the development of various diseases. Therefore, I think smoking should be banned because it can cause a variety of diseases and it could harm others.
Nowadays in big cities / government has held a smoking ban in public places, such as malls, stations, offices, airports, hotels, etc. Some laws have been published on the prohibition of smoking in public places. For example, the regulation of Jakarta no. 75 in 2005 to ban smoking area and sanctions for violators. The ban on smoking in public places has been reaping the pros and cons, but the majority of the citizens of Jakarta which is about 93% support it. The government made this law to make a clean and healthy citizen of Aspa cigarettes and reduce the pollution of air pollution. In addition, the World Health Organization (WHO) continues to campaign the dangers of smoking among others by giving label the dangers of smoking on its pack. The label contains a warning about the dangers of smoking and also a picture of the result of smoking like cancer, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, etc. Even the government and the people of the world conduct mass action to not smoke every 31 May.
First, smoking should be banned because it can cause a variety of diseases. One of the injured party are smokers themselves. Psychological effects of smoking is addictive or addicted. Smokers will be uneasy if not smoked cigarettes within a certain time. Smoking addiction is something that belongs to the psychological effect because the case of a smoker's subconscious. Furthermore, the effects of cigarette addiction will result in increasing the number of cigarette consumption that is more than usual. Smoking also has a devastating effect on your cardiovascular health. It increases your blood pressure, which can increase your chances of cardiovascular disease such as atherosclerosis. Smoking also increases your chances of developing blood clots, which can dislodge and travel to the brain, causing a stroke. Smoking also decreases your lung capacity, which can affect your ability to exercise. The loss of exercise can result in higher weight and cholesterol levels, which also puts you at a higher risk for cardiovascular disease and heart attacks.
According to the American Heart Association, smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States. Of the estimated 2.4 million Americans who die every year, as many as 440,000 die due to smoking-related illnesses. It is also estimated that smoking causes 10% of deaths from fires per year. It is about 300,000 people from burns or smoke inhalation and about five times of that number suffered severe burns and injuries from smoke inhalation. One of the six victims are children. In addition, associated with environmental damage, smoking habits cause garbage and sewage in the streets and in other public places. Rubbish and waste in the form of residual smoke cigarettes or cigarette smoke and dust waste which may assume very harmful for the environment and human health. It must also be remembered that the cost is much higher hygiene in buildings and public transport that allows people to smoke.
Second, smoking should be banned because it could harm others. A large number of smokers don't seem to care so much about it. As we can see in our environment, there are many people who smoke in public place, for example in the campus, bus station, plaza, etc. Scientists agree that smoking is dangerous. Tobacco smoke can cause cancer, strokes and heart disease. Smoking does not just harm the smoker – it also harms people nearby, who breathe in the smoke (this is called “passive smoking”). Smokers choose to smoke, but people nearby do not choose to smoke passively. A complete ban on smoking in public is needed to protect people from passive smoking. With the smoking ban, we indirectly help people to reduce the risk of secondhand respiratory disease, especially in the risk of developing lung and heart problems. Recent studies show that almost 80% of those who ingest secondhand smoke from public smokers have a higher risk of getting respiratory problems than smokers themselves.
The smoke that is exhaled by an individual while smoking, contains harmful substances that pollute the air around. The people who inhale these substances through the air, become prone to respiratory troubles as well as other forms of illnesses. Moreover, sometimes these substances also affect things such as furniture, clothing, and so on. Their deterioration speeds up in many of such cases. Risks due to fire are also lessened to a large extent due to smoking bans. Fire is a risk when more and more people smoke because we are surrounded by innumerable flammable materials such as oil, wood, plastic, rubber, paper, etc. If a smoker forgets to extinguish his cigarette after smoking, chances of these materials, and many more, catching fire that may lead to fatalities, are extremely high. The ban may aid in curbing such chances. Also, it is wrong to say that people choose to smoke passively. In many places, there are no non-smoking bars or restaurants. Unless people refuse to go out with friends, they cannot avoid passive smoking. People who work in smoky workplaces like in the bar often do not freely choose this job, but sometimes it is because no other jobs are available. In most countries, safety standards do not allow workers to be exposed to unnecessary danger, even if they agree. Workers should not be exposed to other people’s smoke, since they may not have made a free choice to do so.
 However, Indonesia as an agricultural country facilitate the farmers to grow tobacco in Indonesia, especially with the price of tobacco is very high. Tobacco farmers who mostly come from the island of Java, largely dependent on the sale of tobacco crops. Well, if smoking is prohibited, then they will lose their livelihood and prosperity. But, one of the 25 trees felled in the world to process tobacco. International Forest Science Consultancy (IFSC) stated that approximately 9.43 million m3 of wood consumed each year in developing countries for the tobacco industry. Surely this will be bad for the forest ecosystem. Damage will reduce the rain forest and deserts expand and increase the burden of the poor. Smoking may also calm nerves and help increase concentration. However, this is usually an illusion perpetuated by the addiction cycle. When a smoker's nicotine levels drop and she goes into withdrawal, she may feel anxious and unable to focus. Once nicotine levels return to normal after smoking, her ability to focus returns, and her overall feeling of well-being also returns. Therefore, a ban on smoking in public places would drive many bars, pubs and clubs out of business. Smokers would not go to these places. These businesses would also earn less money from selling tobacco. In many places, pubs and Working Men’s Clubs are important social places for communities. They also provide jobs for people with few skills in places with little other work. It is therefore important that they survive. But, I think It is more important to protect people’s health than to protect businesses. Pubs and clubs should adapt, for example by trying to earn more money from selling food. 
Smoking can cause a variety of diseases like cancer, strokes and heart disease. Smoking also could harm others. It is because of the smoke from the cigarette. Healthy life without smoking will lead us to better life. Therefore, smoking should be banned.

Aditama, Tjandra Yoga. Rokok dan Kesehatan. Jakarta: UI-Press, 1997.

Crofton, John dan David Simpson. Tembakau: Ancaman Global. Jakarta: PT Elex Media Komputindo, 2009.

Juwono, Vishnu. “Universitas Indonesia: Kawasan Tanpa Rokok 2012,” UI Update, ed. ke-5. Depok: Kantor Komunikasi UI, 2010.

Sitepoe, Mangku. Kekhususan Rokok Indonesia. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia, 2000.

                                                                                                                  By: Muhammad Ruby Ernawa

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