Sunday, May 10, 2015

Will Same-Sex Marriage Not Harm Anybody?

             Same-sex marriage has gained popular support in several countries such as Netherland, Poland and some others. The proponents of same-sex marriage believe that it is the time to stand up for their rights. They lead this movement by coaxing everybody to tolerate this group; they even always try to convince the world that this will harm nobody. However, should everybody swallow this mistaken belief unquestioningly? On no account must everybody accept that belief, because many people know, deep down, that same-sex marriage causes irreparable harm.
            The first premise of proponents of same-sex marriage is that they can be loving parents as good as loving parents of heterogeneous families. It comes from a supposition that the only thing children really need is love and they argue that they can provide the unconditional-leaning love for their adopted children. In this case, unfortunately, that basic assumption and all flowing from it are false because love is not enough. Hence, it means that homogenous families do harm the children. Children do best when raised by a married mother and a father. It is within this environment that children are most likely to be exposed to the emotional and psychological experiences they need in order to thrive. Indeed, men and women bring diversity to parenting; each makes unique contributions to the rearing of children that cannot be replicated by the other. Proponents of same-sex marriage should understand that mother and father are not simply interchangeable. Two women, probably, can both be good mothers, but neither can be a good father. According to an American professional health and family consultant Dr. Traysen , “Mother-love and father-love- though equally important are qualitatively different and produce distinct parent-child attachments. Either of these forms of love without the other can be problematic.” Consequently, it is perfectly clear that what a child needs is the complementary balance of parental love and same-sex parents, by all accounts, cannot offer children this quality; they will give bad effects to the children emotionally and psychologically.
            Thus far same-sex marriage activists have been claiming that marriage is just a way of recognizing people who love each other and want to spend their lives together. Therefore, same-sex couples claim that people should not vehemently deny their right to marry like anyone else because it is definitely discriminatory. While it is true that love is integral in marriage, same-sex couples, however, just misuse the consensus to hide the fact that they have erroneous assumptions about marriage. To be logical, if love and companionship were enough to define marriage, then there would be no valid reason to deny unions of a child and an adult, or a teenager and his or her aging parent, or even to groups rather than couples. Furthermore, Canadian scholar Margaret A. Somervile said,” Through marriage our society marks out the relationship of two people who will together transmit human life to the next generation and nurture and protect that life.” It is clear that homosexual relationships are not marriage because they simply do not fit the minimum necessary condition for a marriage to exist and their consequences are far more negative than positive. In addition, there is no discrimination at all because considering the consequences are overwhelmingly negative, everybody is legally barred from marrying children, close blood relatives, or a person who is already married, or a person of the same sex. These restrictions are applied equally to everybody and same-sex couples are just too selfish to accept this logical argument. 
            Probably, proponents of same-sex marriage are still questioning about what I mean exactly by stating that homosexual relationships are harmful. According to medical research that deserves careful study, homosexual men experience higher rates of many diseases, including: human Papillomavirus (cervical and anal cancer), hepatitis A, B, and C, gonorrhea, syphilis and HIV. Lesbian women, meanwhile, have a higher prevalence of bacterial vaginitis, hepatitis C, HIV and some others. Indeed, various research studies have shown that homosexuals have higher rates of alcohol abuse, drug abuse, nicotine dependence, depression and suicide. On the other hand, pro-homosexual activists claim that discrimination is the main cause of those mental health problems. They believe that same-sex couples would experience less mental health problems in areas like San Francisco and Netherland where homosexuality has achieved the highest level of acceptance. In fact, that assumption reflects otherwise. In places in which homosexuality is widely accepted, the physical and mental health problems of homosexuals are greater, not less. This suggests that the real problem lies in the homosexual lifestyle itself, not in society’s response to it. Consequently, those problems will lead to more medical claims and higher insurance premiums. This is hazardous to government and society as a whole.
            All in all, the idea of same-sex marriage brought by those illogical activists spreads like wildfire across the world and it will ruin the nature of marriage and family. It brings negative effects overwhelmingly as what they believe as a marriage simply does not fit the notion of civil marriage in its truest sense and they, indeed, are prone to physical diseases as well as mental illness according to various studies; there is no reason on earth how they will be able to rear children successfully. Thus, we should not easily swallow their ideas and we should protect our families from this unprecedented disaster in the history of mankind.
By: M.Bintang Arrival

Public Argumentation

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