TASK 4 – Academic Discussion Essay
The Influences of Technology and Media
on Learning Process
By: St. Mufarrohah
Technology and media have
transformed the process learning and interacting of learners with their
environment. French (1999) stated that modern technology such as computers or
video are changing the roles of both teachers and learners. Besides, the
Internet, software, and some telecommunications take a place as the extreme
paradigm shift in learning process (Jones 2002). It makes the possibility that those
technologies will come together and influence the learning outcomes (Gary,
1993). In fact, the
electronic media is needed than the other when it can more impress the
children. Allen & Seaman (2007) showed that online enrollments in higher
education was growing up 21%, whereas the growth for traditional way just only
2% since
2002. Therefore, we need to examine wisely
whether media and technology give more positive sides in learning process or
technology and media will give more opportunities to discover the potential
relationship between teaching process and learning environments (Kozma, 1994). That
technology could be the cognitive tools to create a new knowledge which
integrated with the environments (Reeves, 1998). Jonnasen, Carr, and Yueh
(1998) stated that “the cognitive mind tools have function as formalisms for
guiding learners in the organization and representation of what they know”.
Reeves (1998) said the technology and media could control a powerful role of
process of learning when the learners use that technology and media as
cognitive tools rather than interact with them as tutor or repositories of
information. For online media, the interactions that happen actually could encourage reticent students to
participate in extent and reasonable discussions than a traditional classroom setting does (Citera,
1988). Warschauer (1997) stated “the online environment is usually less
intimidating between individuals and also has less time pressure on students
than do interaction in a face-to-face setting” it makes the possibility that
learner can be more confident to communicate with others or improve their skill
by using media online.
Clark (1994), who is a
professor of Instructional technology at the University of Southern California,
has said that there are no learning advantages from using technology and media
in learning process. Those are just the vehicle which will not influence
learners to get any achievements. Learners just will find some problems when
they prefer to choose using media or technology, online for example, than doing
it by face-to-face setting or traditional way. Walberg and Haertela (1981)
found that the learner perceptions of social online environments will impact
their psychological. It is proved by Haythornthwaite (2000) finding which
showed that students who failed to make online connections with other learners
in their group reported feeling isolated and more stressed. Some researchers
also showed that learners may feel isolated, confused, and frustrated (Hara
& Kling, 2000). Besides, Ramsden and
Entwistle (1981) identified the relationship between approaches to learning and
perceived characteristics of the academic environment and student’s interest in
the subject may be decreased
(R. Maki, W. Maki, Patterson, & Whittaker, 2000).
The advancement
of technology influences people to use some of those media in learning process.
There are some positive sides that we can get while we use it, such as it
implies the phsychological of learners. They become brave and get information
easier. On the other hand it also impacts they to feel more strees, depressed
when they are failed to make connection. Thus, we have to be wisely when we
decide to use media and technology in our process learning. It is important to
do to get the advantages and hide the disadvantages ones.
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