Saturday, May 9, 2015

Homeschooling? No, School is Better

               Homeschooling also known as home education, homeschooling is the education inside the home for the children. Homeschooling is usually conducted by a parent or a tutor. In this modern era homeschooling is an alternative way to attending public or private schools and it is a legal option for parents in many countries. There are some reasons why parents choose homeschooling for their children. Some parents who held homeschooling for their children is in order to have greater control over what and how their children are taught. Homeschooling itself depends on parents because not all parents allow their children to have homeschooling. Homeschooling should not be illegal for the society in case of the benefits for the children’s education. Kids who are homeschooled may benefit from the one-on-one attention. Many parents are choosing to homeschool their children due to religious beliefs or dissatisfaction with their district. However, attending school is essential to a child’s education and development.
            Parents choose homeschooling for their children is educational freedom. Students or children have their rights to choose what they want to study and what they want to learn. Most homeschooled give free choice for the students to study everything that they want. Parents can also specify their children to study on their basic ability, maturity and interest levels. So, they can train their ability from the very earlier. But those basics may be covered at age six for one child and at age ten for another, depend on their interest subjects. Time also depends on the students, they can start to study whenever they want and finish the study for as long as they want. However, if children treated like this they will not learn how to use time wisely. Then, if they freely choose what subject they want, in fact that all science is important in our live. Besides, they do not even know what the subject they really interested in is.
            Students who have homeschooled are getting closer in their family relationships. Just about every family stressed the important role that homeschooling played in helping them find time to foster loving ties between all family members. Homeschooling can also help the students in stability during difficult times. Whether there is a new baby, an illness, a death in the family or another obstacle or transition, homeschooling helps families cope during challenging periods. Teens seem to benefit enormously from this interaction and rebellious, destructive behavior often begins to diminish soon after homeschooling begins. Instead of having homeschooling to get closer with family, you can also have quality time with your family after school or in weekend. Not being homeschooled is not even cutting down children’s with their family. If something bad happen parents can pick up their children in the school and ask permission with the teacher to finish their study earlier. 
            Some people may still maintain that they have been trained early on to be independent learners, homeschooled individuals grow up to become reliable, resourceful individuals. It is can even train for children at school to be independent. They can learn a lot from school, not only learn about the material in class but also how they socialize with other students. In school, the education gives the entire lesson to the children to learn anything such as how to work in team to solve a problem. They will have many ideas to solve one problem. Also how they can trust their friend, if other asking for help.
            Having said these, parents better choose study at school instead of having homeschooling. Studying at school give many benefits for children’s life. Teachers not only teach about the subject in class but also how they should use time in appropriate way. Think twice if parents want to have their children being homeschooled. School gives everything for children!

By: Tisyrinul Awwal Fatiani
Public Argumentative

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