Friday, April 24, 2015

Healthy and Simple Diet? As Simple As You Drink More Mineral Water

            Water is one of requirements for everyone who is alive, not only humans but also animals and plants need water. Importantly 75 % human body contains water that keeps our health. It helps human being to survive and keep the parts of body work. Water that absorbs by our body will manage the temperature because it keeps our body. Water also contains mineral which is required for the body. Mineral water has element such as iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Those are really useful for the body. In fact, most people do not consider about it. They think that drinking mineral water is a simple activity that has no big impact. They only drink when they are thirsty or after they finish eating. People prefer to drink more coffee, tea or even soft drink. They do not realize that mineral water has many benefits. Even people who doing diet never think about drinking mineral water as a diet method. Most of them do tight diets which are harmful and difficult to do like Paleolithic diet, baby food diet, cookie diet, and cigarette diet. On the other hand, there are three causes that make drinking mineral water as a healthy and simple diet.
            First of all, drinking mineral water helps to reduce toxic in the human body. There are some toxic in the human body. For example, monosodium glutamate (MSG), aspartame and dangerous food coloring which are exist in some food. Then, caffeine which is part of coffee and tea. It might be a result of unhealthy lifestyle such as eat junk food, drink alcohol, tea or coffee too much, also lack of exercises. Actually, it is usual for people drinking mineral water at least 8 glasses or 1, 5 liter a day. Because of drinking mineral water regularly helps our intestines clean from many dirt and toxic. The mineral water bring all the dirt and the toxic in the intestines and throw it away becomes sweat, urination or excretion. If we urinate and excrete frequently our digestion will get better. Because what we eat and what we throw is in balance. 
Second, blood pressure can decrease by consuming the mineral water. Magnesium in mineral water is an important element to maintain normal blood pressure. It happens because mineral water is rich of magnesium. Besides that, cholesterol which causes high blood pressure can be minimized by the mineral water too. Drinking mineral water regularly also reduce the risks of heart diseases because potassium and magnesium which are exist in mineral water support the heart function. As a result, it impacts to lower the cholesterol. Mineral water will brought lipid that is a substance of fat in the body and change it become urine or sweat because we drink more the mineral water. Thus, slowly but sure the cholesterol will be reduce and the blood pressure is going normal.
            The last, mineral water keeps the weight of body. The mineral water not contain fat, sugar, and calories so, mineral water is suitable for diet. People who drink mineral water do not add more fat and more calories into the body. On the other hand, if we drinking the other beverages such as coffee, tea, juice, wine, beer, and soft drink will increase the fat and the calories into the body. Therefore, we can minimize the beverages that contain calories and lots of sugar. More importantly, drinking mineral water before eating make smaller the portion of food. After we drink the mineral water we will feel a bit full so, the portion of food will get smaller than usual. As a result we do not add more fat into the body because the portion of food that we eat is small.
                 One of all, people who consume mineral water regularly will get many advantages. For the first is minimize the toxic in human body, the second is decimate the high pressure blood, and the last, mineral water is the best drink for dieters. It is recommended that people who want to keep health and do diet to consume mineral water than habitual, at least 1.5 liter a day.
                                                                                                 By : Raadhiyah Mardiyyah
                                                                                                                     Midterm Test

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